[11] The Right Choice

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Third Person's POV


"H-Hey Sei, what's getting into you all of the sudden?" Tenma said in a stutter, his brows furrowed at Seijurou's sudden action as he tried to let go his grip which starting to hurt Tenma's wrist. Then he took a small glance at the direction Seijurou stares, but immediately pulled back the moment the red haired boy let out a small whisper. The orange head could tell the aura of intimidation in Seijurou's voice tone as well as deep fear.

"Don't move, Tenma." He pleaded.

"H-Huh? Why?"

"Considering the position between you and my dad's car, it's quite possible that he couldn't see you from that place." The young Akashi explained sternly, his eyes still locked on the black car full of awareness. "We have to thank that cherry blossom tree from blocking his view from you though." He added with a sigh.

The whole explanation didn't help Tenma at all. In fact, it made him even more anxious than before. The orange haired boy just nodded in response at Seijurou. "So, I'm guessing that I'm in big trouble aren't I?"

"Not just 'big' problem, nanodayo." Shintarou added as he pushed up his glasses. Tenma could clearly see that the bespectacled boy himself couldn't hide his stutter thanks to Seijurou's dad's sudden appearance. "You're in a very very huge problem." He added.

"So what am I suppose to do now? Run away?"

"Yes but not at this rate." Seijurou quickly cut his words as he slowly let go of his grip from Tenma's wrist. "You stay put. Me and Midorima will leave this place as soon as we can. Then, when my dad is completely out of your sight, I want you to go home. Don't bother coming after us. Understand?" He explained long-winded.

Tenma stared deeply into Seijurou's red orbs even though those eyes didn't look back at his orange ones. He tried to figure out the red haired boy's purpose of doing all this, and it makes his curiosity towards his dad, the man people known as 'Head of The Emperor Family' increased even more. But Tenma isn't stupid. He knew he have to hold back his recklessness just this once in order to help his friends.

"Got it." The orange haired boy finally said as he gave Seijurou and Shintarou an assuring smile to calm themselves down. "I'll be counting on you guys."

"Thanks..." Seijurou said out of the blue.

"Huh? Did you just... Say 'thank you'? To me?" Tenma couldn't help but let his smile turned into a smirk instead.

"I did, so just shut up and do as I told you."

"Ahaha. Roger that, Captain Sei."

"I said shut up, Tenma." Seijurou scowled.

"Whoops? Sorry, my bad~"

And with that, the other two boys exchange glances before finally moved their feet. Leaving the certain orange haired boy alone on the small dusty bench beside the basketball court. They didn't even look back at him, they kept walking as if nothing was there. The red haired boy took a deep breath the moment he and Shintarou minimized the distance between them and the black car. Their voices choked as the back window of the car opened slowly. Revealing a certain red haired man inside of it. It was like watching an older Seijurou in a suit, except the man has much more stoic and menacing expression which sent shivers down the two boys' spine in a split second.

"Let me guess. Shiori allowed you to go out? In the middle of your music practice routine?" The man suddenly said. He locked his cold gaze with his one and only son. His one and only successor.

"I-It's not mom's fault." Seijurou said in defense, even though he knew it was useless if it's against the man in charge of his family. "I'm the one who asked her several times."

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