[8] The Man In Charge

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Third Person's POV

"Seijurou, w-who is this boy?" Akashi Shiori turned to her one and only son and raised her brows in confusement the moment she saw the certain orange haired boy popped out from the black suitcase while rubbing his head over and over. The young red head clicked his tongue in annoyance as he reluctantly helped his friend to get up and sighed heavily.

"W-Well... It's not what it looks like, I can explain--"

"Hey, what was that sound?"

"I think it's coming from the main corridor."

"We better check it out."

"Come on, hurry."

Seijurou's words got cut off the moment they heard noises of footsteps slowly approaching their position.

'Crap. It's the maids. The must've heard all those commotion earlier.' Seijurou thought as the three boys exchange glances as they tried to find a way out before things can get any worse. They almost hit a dead end if only Shiori didn't drag them along with her towards Seijurou's dad's study room which not far from the stairs.

"It's okay kids, we can talk about this later. Right now we have to find a perfect place for a privacy, fast." She said not even bother to glance at the three and proceed walking, with the boys trailing from behind. They managed to reach the room right before the maids arrived at the main door. Shiori told the boys to wait inside the room while she went outside to deal with the maids.

"Nee, Seijurou. Am I reaaally in a big trouble right now?" Tenma innocently asked the red head while he's wandering around the huge study room and wore his headphone to play his favourite song.

"Tch, you sneaked into my house wihout my permission, you ignored the security guard's warning, you made me and Shintarou do all the works to get you out of here, plus... My mom finally knows about you thanks to your childishly loud voice. Nope, you're not in a big trouble. Not at all..." Seijurou frowned and crossed his arms as he gave Tenma a menacing glare which made the boy sweatdrop.

"Mattaku, can't you just read the situation here, Renjirou?" Shintarou added.

"Oi, for the last time, call me Tenma. Not Renjirou. T. E. N. M. A." The boy huffed and hid his hands inside his pocket only to receive an irritated sigh from the two boys in front of him.

"Whatever, now is not the time to argue with that problem. We have something more important to worry about. Stop acting so childish." Seijurou said coldly and sat down on the nearby couch, followed by Shintarou beside him.

Tenma frowned vaguely as he slightly examined Seijurou's expression which looked so serious, but at the same time Tenma could sense fear as well. And that made him felt a bit guilty for acting so reckless and didn't think about the concequences in the first place. He took a deep sigh and leaned against the wall with his head hung low.

"I'm sorry." He said in a small voice tone.


"I said I'm sorry. Okay? Sorry for making such a trouble for both of you. I regret doing that." Tenma finally said as he lifted his head to face Seijurou and Shintarou. A small pause enveloped the three of them before Seijurou finally decided to break the ice.

"It's okay. It's not entirely your fault either. You don't have to feel so guilty about it."

"Y'know what, Sei? You don't have to say that just to make me feel better. I know it's my fault." Tenma chuckled at his friend's reaction.

"Ck, how many times do I have to tell you? It's not your fault." Seijurou replied, started to get annoyed.

Tenma took a deep breath and raised his hands in defeat then smiled sheepishly, "Whatever you say. I give up~ See? My hands are in the air~ Woohoo~"

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