Lovely Coincidence

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Requested by regina_mysterious565

Ishan collapsed on his bed with a grunt. He had been running around all day doing promotion stuff, meeting new people and what not and he was worn out to say the least.

The day had been so hectic that he hadn't even gotten time to eat or drink anything. He had only had a small breakfast at 5 in the morning after that he hadn't even taken a sip of water. But no matter how hungry and parched, he was a lot more tired to worry about that.

"Ishu look at the's beautiful outside today..let's go for a stroll"

Ishan didn't even have the energy to protest as he was pulled out of his bed and all the way to the entrance of the hotel by a very cheerful looking Shubman.

Once they were under the night sky Shubman let go of Ishan. Ishan knees buckled underneath him as there was nothing keeping him upright anymore. Shubman quickly held on to his elbows making sure Ishan doesn't fall as worry etched on his face.

"What is going on with you ?"

"I have been running around all day...I am really tired" Ishan whined leaning heavily against Shubman

"Hold on..come here sit down" Shubman led Ishan to a bench nearby "Talk to me.. what's up...have you eaten yet"

"I haven't had anything to eat or drink since 5 in the morning"

"What the hell are an idiot !!" Shubman shook his head in disappointment and worry

Ishan just pouted in reply

"Stay here I will be right back" with that Shubman jogged away, turned a corner and disappeared from sight

Ishan leaned back on the seat eyes up at the night sky. The bright full moon caught his attention.

That is so pretty....

Ishan turned around when he heard the footsteps again. Shubman returned jogging back to the bench. Looking at Shubman's moonlit face Ishan couldn't help but gasp.

That is definitely comparison

Shubman finally reached the bench panting heavily, leaning on his knees, completely out of breath. He passed a bottle of water to Ishan.

"You didn't have to run all the way" Ishan chuckled. He screwed the cap open and stretched his hands to Shubman lips.

Shubman took a sip and muttered a grateful thanks then took the bottle into his own hands holding it up to Ishan this time. Ishan gulped the water down eyes locked on Shubman's dark brown ones.

Shubman then passed on the bottle to Ishan and opened a bar of Dairy milk. He broke a piece and fed it to Ishan. That was when Virat walked up to them.

"Hey you two...lovely weather right ?..You guys going for a jog as well ??"

"Don't know about me but the only place Ishu is going is to eat something and then straight to bed.." Shubman said breaking of another piece of the chocolate.

"Why what's wrong with you ?" Virat asked turning to Ishan

"He hasn't had anything to eat or drink the whole day today" Shubman replied for him with an exasperated sigh.

"Ohh really" Virat asked amused "Who did you keep the fast for Ishu ?"

"What ?"

"You guys know today is Karwa Chauth right ?"

"What...I didn't...that wasn't....I wasn't..." Ishan stumbled over his words as both of them turned red

"Did you keep it for Shubman..because it seems like he is the one breaking"

"'s not....I didn't.."

"Well congratulations..enjoy...I will see you guys later" Virat smiled jogging away

Shubman and Ishan sat in an awkward silence for the next several minutes unable to process what had happened.

"You should something solid..."

"Yeah...yeah..I should..." Ishan stood up from the bench but stayed where he was

"Shub....I...I didn't keep a fast..."

"Yeah I know"

"It was just a coincidence...." Ishan said before whispering under his breath "Though a lovely one"

"What ?" Shubman asked softly having heard him

"I just...I mean if I had let's say actually kept a fast for anyone would have been for you...just you"

The smile that lit up Shubman's face made the moon look bad.

"Come on let's go get something to eat"

"Uhh didn't you want to go for a walk ??...i mean the weather is dont have to come with me i will just eat something and go to bed so.."
"The weather is lovely no doubt...but not more than you..never more than you."

A/n: I know it's a short one.....Soooo are you guys ready for a double update 🤭

Ishan kishan and Shubman gill oneshots Where stories live. Discover now