All My Moments

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"Finally I have got you to myself....So Ishu I was planning we could go and watch Barbie and then get lunch outside...And then after lunch we could go to this amusement park..An-"

"Shub I am really tired today can't we just stay here and cuddle.." Ishan's voice mumbled out from where his head was hidden beneath the pillows

"Of course" Shubman replied crossly

"What ?" Ishan asked his eyes peeking out

"What do you mean what ?"

"What's up with your tone ?"

"No I meant of course you are tired when it's me you have to spend time weren't tired yesterday when you were out with Hardik bhai the whole day..or even the day before when you were celebrating Aditi's birthday..."

"Are you mad at me for being tired ??" Ishan asked his voice holding equal levels of sarcasm and confusion

"This is not the first time...Whenever you have to spend time with me you are either tired or sick or sad...And somehow you are magically fine when it's someone else"

"So you are mad that you are the only one I am comfortable enough to show my vulnerable side to"

"Don't guilt trip me...if you don't want to be with me just say it, you don't have to make excuses and then gaslight me into believing that you like spending time with me"

"Get out !"

"What ?"

"You are right I don't want to spend time with you, especially not right now...Get out !!"

"Fine !"

Shubman slammed the door shut with a bang as he walked out the room.

"Woah woah...what's up with you angry young man?" Virat stopped him as he walked aggressively through the hallway with no destination in mind.

"Ishan" he said with a voice full of venom

"What happened ?" Rohit who was going with Virat to the lobby asked

"He is being an asshole"

"Did he beat you at fifa again ?"

"Cheeku !!" Rohit scolded before turning to Shubman again "What did he do ?"

"Just be a complete asshole...I am not talking to him until he apologizes..."

"I am being an asshole !!" Ishan nearly shouted when Virat and Rohit came to confront him "And he wants me to apologize" Ishan laughed bitterly "Well then he can go to hell cause I am not at fault here and I have no reason to apologize"

"Maybe you guys can talk it out" Rohit suggested trying to help

"Bhaiya I am really tired and this whole ordeal has given me a headache can you guys please leave so I can rest"  Ishan replied as respectfully as he could.

"What do we do now ?" Rohit asked Virat as they stood outside Ishan's room

"I say we let them cool down and figure it out on their's not like they can stay angry at each other for long"

"Hmm that is true..this seems like a big fight though"

"Yeah you are right...I bet Ishan ate some chocolates without sharing.."

"Bigger than that"

"....Ice cream...without sharing..??"

"Forget it"

Ishan kishan and Shubman gill oneshots Where stories live. Discover now