My Friend (2)

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Requested by GunjanChouhan3

Shubman had managed to avoid Ishan for most part of the traveling but when they reached the hotel and Shubman got to know that they were roomed together he knew that he wouldn't be able to do that anymore.

He really wanted to ask the management to change his room but then that would bring attention to the fact that the dynamics between them were shaky and it could affect the management's future decisions about including the two of them together in a team and since Shubman has been in the Indian team longer Ishan will be the one who would have to suffer. Now Shubman didn't like Ishan but that didn't mean that he would sabotage his cricketing career for it because after all he was a good cricketer.

So Shubman decided to enter the room quickly and go to bed before Ishan got a chance to initiate a conversation. He did manage to get changed and lie down on the bed but unfortunately sleep didn't come as easily as he would have wanted it to.

Shubman heard the door open and quickly closed his eyes pretending.

"Ohk so why do you hate me ?.."


"You can't fool me I know you are awake..stop avoiding me just get up and let's talk like adults"

"Fine" Shubman huffed sitting up

"Why do you hate me ?"

"I don't hate you."

"But you do...Why ?"

"Ohk I hate you cause you are a bully"

"Yeah you told me that..but why do you think I am a bully"

"Ohh of course you don't even remember what you did wrong.." Shubman said rolling his eyes as Ishan just stared at him with confusion "Well remember when you came to meet the under 19 world cup team for 2018..."

"Yeah I do remember that...We all had loads of fun together..what was wrong with that ?"

"You were the only one who had fun you were teasing everyone"

"I think you were the only one who didn't have fun..I was teasing everyone they were all teasing me..we were laughing..I was trying to lighten the air up...You would know that if you had come within 5 feet radius of me...when I was about to leave, Prithvi said and I quote 'Thank you Ishan bhaiya I and the whole team had been very tensed you have calmed all us down'" irritation and exasperatration was seeping into Ishan's voice

"I did try to approach you..but....but you just insulted my hair"

"What ?!?! How is saying your hair is too perfect for training an insult"

"It sounded like one"

"Ohh My God !!"

" are also...disrespectful to your seniors.." Shubman's voice trailed off. After voicing them out he finally realized how childish his reasons to hate Ishan were.

"Why do you think playing pranks is disrespectful ?'s a way to have fun..Of course if they ever mention that they don't like my pranks I would apologize immediately and stop but no one except you has ever expressed that they don't like my lightens the mood man.." Ishan stood up now having to consciously hold himself back from shouting. "Alright fine.." he took quick deep breaths to calm himself down "what else...what else do you think I did wrong.."


"Ohh My God..that was IT...That was your  reason for looking at me for all these years like I had killed your cat...Holy Fuck...I Can't Believe This.." Ishan snached a pillow from the bed and aggressively walked to the door

"Where are you going?" Shubman asked worried shifting himself to the edge of the bed

"I don't know...anywhere but here..'" Ishan stopped himself at the door breathing heavily he turned around addressing Shubman again

"I don't know why i am as irritated as i am...misunderstandings happen i get that but I just...with you it's...When you won the gold medal in under 19 world cup i was soo happy and then you were selected in the Indian team and I was ecstatic.. I had always admired your talent, in fact when asked by my friends about which of our juniors would be great names in the future I would always be ready to even bet money on you...So naturally I really wanted to get to know be your friend....I was very confused when that didn't happen when I visited your under 19 team but I let it go believing you were nervous and shy...then the same thing happened during IPL..for years..i would try to approach you try to talk to you but you would ignore me...and of course my oblivious ass would always go 'ohh he is nervous for the match or ohh he is tired after the match'...but that wasn't it was weren't tired or nervous or shy you just hated hated me and that to for such petty reasons..."

Ishan turned back after his rant hands on the door handle.

"Hold on can't sleep's can't get sick before your debut match.."

"If you are forgetting we are in a five star hotel, The lobby and corridors are all heated..I will sleep in the lobby or something"

"No can' will will.."

"Just say you care..what is so difficult you won't be disrespecting or bullying me in saying that don't worry" Ishan spat in a scarcastic tone

Shubman quickly got up from the bed and held on to Ishan's wrist preventing him from opening the door "Ohk ohk I am sorry alright..I really am..i was really childish and idiotic and i didn't even realize how much it could have affected you"

"Let go of me...there is now way I am rooming with you now..."

"I am really sorry"

"Are you ?? Prove it then"

"How ?.."

" me play a prank on Rohit bhaiya.."

Shubman let go of Ishan's wrist taking a few steps back

"I can I.. I don't"

"Fine..of course..should have known..forget I asked.." Ishan said turning back to the door again

"No no wait...alright I will do it..I will do it.."

"Really ?? You promise ??" Ishan asked smiling brightly now

"Yeah..yeah I promise"

"VIRATT !!! look at this kid..he has destroyed our sweet Shubman as well.."

Ishan had successfully managed to cover Rohit in flour with Shubman's help. When Rohit called Virat..Shubman's heart pumped terrified.

"It was fun right !!?" Ishan whispered to him giggling

Shubman watched as Virat walked out.He lowered his head getting ready to get scolded but instead he heard Virat burst out laughing. Virat walked towards them and proudly patted Ishan on the back congratulating him for another successful prank.

Shubman looked around. He watched the other members of the team laughing and giggling in the background, he saw Virat laughing while helping Rohit dust off the flour from his hair, he saw the soft smile quite clearly visible on Rohit's face as well and finally he saw Ishan standing beside him giggling like a kid, his eyes shining brighter than the any star in the sky And Shubman was hit with a realization.

"Yeah" he whispered to no one it particular "Yeah..that was fun..That was really fun.."

And this was how Shubman became Ishan's permanent partner in crime. And the two on them became inseparable.

It was not even weeks later when Shubman got to know the rooming order before an important match and panicked

"Rohit bhai why is Ishan not with me..i need him"

"Doesn't he disturb you..playing songs on full volume.."

"No no...I get too tensed and nervous before matches.. he calms me down...please I need him as my roommate..I need him to be there with me..I need him in my life"

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