Deceptive Bloodlines

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I survive on the idea that

                   One day

My rage will be witnessed by the men who
poisoned me with it in the first place

The night air hung heavy with tension as Lytharial and Legolas rode their horses through the grand entrance of Elvenking's palace, after the fight with Orcs. It was a strange night indeed. The usual tranquility of the woodland realm seemed disrupted, replaced by a chorus of anxious whispers and distant yells.

                          "What's happening?" Lytharial asked, her eyes scanning the surroundings. Everyone around them hushed, but she could not understand a thing. Legolas and her both jumped from their horses.

Legolas, his expression unreadable, exchanged a glance with her. 

                         "We should find out," he replied as they hastened towards the commotion.

As they approached the source of the disturbance, an elf approached them, his face etched with concern. He kneeled in front of Legolas.

                          "Prince Legolas, Lytharial, someone has been captured. There's turmoil in the palace."

Lytharial's eyes narrowed.

                          "Captured? By whom?"

                          "Elven warriors captured a stranger near the borders," the elf explained. "They say he's a spy, but he hasn't revealed much. The commotion is spreading, and many are anxious about what this might mean."

Without uttering another word, Lytharial and Legolas quickened their pace, heading toward the heart of the disturbance. The palace corridors were filled with elves discussing the capture in hushed tones. Lytharial's senses were on high alert, her instincts as a general sharpened by years of experience.

                          "Who'd be stupid enough to spy on elves", she muttered to herself.

                          "You'd be surprised", Legolas murmured, as they walked through the corridors. 
Usually, when they'd sense a threat, border elves would kill in an instant. So it was kind of strange to have someone captured.

Finally, they reached the center of the chaos. Elven warriors surrounded a figure bound in ropes, his face concealed in shadows. Lytharial's breath caught as she glimpsed the familiar silver hair. The prisoner raised his head, revealing hauntingly familiar eyes.

                          "It can't be," she muttered, her voice barely audible.

Legolas placed a steadying hand on her shoulder, sharing a look full of questions. But he was smart enough to put a hand on her shoulder so he could stop her on time if she planned to do something reckless. The air thickened with tension as the revelation unfolded.

Lytharial stood frozen, her eyes fixed on the captive elf who bore an uncanny resemblance to her lost half-brother. Not a resemblance, he was her half-brother. The weight of the revelation pressed down on her, leaving her speechless. She could not blink; everything around her was blurred, almost like in a dream. Or in this case - a nightmare. 

She could not quite hear, nor see. Her surroundings were muted and blurred. Of course, she heard some voices, someone touching her shoulder, but the only thing she could see was him. She was captured in that moment, and it was as long as eternity itself. Legolas, sensing her shock, took the lead in questioning the captive.

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