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I am the rest between two notes which are somehow always in discord

Alerion stood before the mirror in his chamber, the anticipation of the upcoming banquet filling the air with a sense of excitement. The grand event would play host to high-ranking dignitaries and esteemed guests, promising an evening of opulence and prestige. Among the anticipated attendees, Lord Elrond's presence was certain, and the possibility of Lady Galadriel gracing the occasion added to the air of anticipation.

As he gazed at his reflection, a practiced smile graced Alerion's lips, a silent testament to the thoughts swirling in his mind. Tonight, he envisioned Lytharial by his side. Their friendship had endured for years, blossoming from the moment Thranduil had welcomed her into their midst. Alerion had watched her transition from a spirited child into a captivating young woman, her character and appearance maturing gracefully. 

Though he admired her deeply, the line between affection and desire remained blurred. While he hesitated to declare his affection, the allure of having her in his embrace was undeniable. Yet uncertainty lingered, for she had always been a cherished friend, and he, a charmer who could captivate any maiden, be she-elf or human. Now, however, his attention was fixed on charming her, a notion that perhaps stemmed from a desire to provoke Legolas.

He adorned himself in clothing that resembled armor, a striking ensemble predominantly adorned in shades of gold and green. The intricate bird-like motif embellishing the chest piece exuded an aura of power and freedom, while a flowing green cape complemented the resplendent armor-like clothing. 

Anticipation swirled around him, for he was known to captivate the hearts of maidens with ease. His enigmatic charm and allure had always left the ladies spellbound, and tonight would be no exception. His reputation as an unparalleled charmer preceded him, leaving many to wonder about the countless hearts he had conquered. Yet, beyond his charismatic persona, he was also celebrated as a formidable warrior, recognized time and again for his acts of bravery. Leading the infantry for centuries, his prowess in battle had earned him well-deserved accolades and respect.

Alerion emerged from his chamber, his steps purposeful as he made his way toward the throne room, encountering no familiar faces along the path. Upon entering the grand chamber, his eyes widened in astonishment. The space was adorned with an array of flowers, intricately carved wooden tables scattered throughout, and a multitude of elegantly attired individuals.

     "It hasn't started yet," a voice remarked from behind.

Turning, Alerion's smile brightened at the sight of his brother, Aranel, resplendent in a dark blue suit adorned with silver embellishments.

     "You look quite splendid this evening, brother," Alerion remarked, prompting a lighthearted laugh from Aranel.

     "Your charm knows no bounds," Aranel teased in response.

Alerion chuckled in agreement, his gaze wandering to a nearby table adorned with an assortment of drinks.

     "Care to join me for a drink?" Alerion proposed.

Aranel's smile widened. 

     "You know me well; I never decline a good drink," he quipped, and together they made their way towards the inviting table.

On the other side, Lytharial retreated to her chamber, seeking solace after the perplexing encounter with Thranduil. As she adorned herself in a resplendent dress, she gazed upon her reflection, feeling an unfamiliar yet empowering sense of femininity. The garment, tailored to accentuate her form, exuded a warrior's essence, a fitting representation of her true nature. With a sigh, she emerged from her chamber, her mind still reeling from the unexpected emotions stirred by the encounter.

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