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Select your conflicts judiciously, and bear in mind, that the sentiments within the heart often wander far from the realm of reason; they merely exist

Lytharial stepped into the quiet corridors of the palace, the weight of the past night still lingering in her mind. The echoes of her brother's betrayal haunted her thoughts, and the encounter with Legolas, though protective, left her feelings exposed; she did not want to be seen in the state she was in yesterday, definitely not seen by Legolas. Again, he saved her, and she felt ashamed. He should not be her protector, she should be his. As she wandered, she noticed the absence of the usual morning activities. No one came to rouse her from her unrestful slumber.

Determined to break free from the unsettling atmosphere, she decided to find a new companion in the form of a horse. Her trusted steed had vanished after the spider attack, leaving her without a means of swift transportation. The town was her destination, and with each step, she felt a strange mix of anticipation and weariness.

As she approached the gate of Elvenking's palace, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows – Legolas. His keen eyes caught hers, and for a moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. It was as if he could sense the turmoil within her.

                "Morning, Lytharial," he greeted, his voice holding a trace of concern.

She nodded in response, her eyes betraying the fatigue that lingered.

                "Morning, Legolas. I need a new horse."

Legolas studied her face for a moment, then gestured toward the gate.

                "I'll accompany you. Choosing a horse can be a delicate task."

Lytharial appreciated the offer. Together, they rode away on Legolas's horse, and after a while, they reached their destination.

As they strolled through the lively town, the various horses on display caught Lytharial's attention. A selection of well-trained, docile steeds awaited potential buyers. However, amidst the orderly arrangement, her eyes fixated on a particular horse in a separate enclosure. This one was not for sale, marked by an untamed spirit that seemed to mirror her own.

The horse was a magnificent creature, its coat as dark as the night sky, a stark contrast to the others. Its eyes held a certain wildness, a spirit that refused to be broken. Lytharial was drawn to it, captivated by the untamed beauty that resonated with her free-spirited nature.

                "Lytharial, that one is not for sale," Legolas remarked, noticing her fascination.

With a determined sparkle in her eyes, she responded:

                "That's the one I want. The wild ones, they understand me."

Legolas raised an eyebrow but said nothing. He could sense a connection forming between Lytharial and the spirited horse, a bond that transcended the boundaries of ownership. If it brought her a sense of kinship, he saw no reason to object. They approached the enclosure, and Lytharial extended her hand toward the magnificent creature, feeling an unspoken understanding pass between them.

However, before she could express her interest, a stout dwarf, presumably the owner, approached with an air of authority.

              "Not that one, lass! Onyx is not for sale, and he's certainly not for the likes of you!"

Onyx, the name resonated with strength and unpredictability. The dwarf continued his fervent objections, causing the once-calm horse to grow increasingly agitated. Lytharial, undeterred, extended her hand cautiously, offering a calming touch.

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