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Somewhere between love and hate lies confusion, misunderstanding and desperate hope

Aestiria emerged from the crowd, her presence commanding attention as she took Lytharial by the arm and led her away from Legolas. Lytharial followed, a hint of unease flickering in her eyes as she glanced back at Legolas.

     "Isn't he beautiful?" Aestiria remarked casually, her gaze lingering on Legolas as they walked.

Lytharial hesitated for a moment before replying, 

     "Yes, he is quite striking, I suppose."

Aestiria's lips curved into a knowing smile. 

     "I'd love him to be mine," she added with a playful glint in her eyes.

Lytharial's heart skipped a beat, caught off guard by Aestiria's candid admission. She felt a surge of conflicting emotions—jealousy, uncertainty, and a pang of guilt. Who was she to harbor feelings for Legolas when she knew Aestiria's affections lay with him?

Suppressing her inner turmoil, Lytharial managed a nonchalant nod. 

     "I'm sure many would," she replied diplomatically, masking her feelings behind a neutral facade.

Aestiria's smirk widened as she caught the subtle shift in Lytharial's demeanor. 

     "Oh, I didn't know you'd like an elf, based on your history with dwarves," she teased, her tone laced with amusement.

Lytharial froze, her heart sinking as she realized Aestiria was aware of her past entanglement with a certain dwarf. She blinked in surprise, struggling to find a suitable response.

     "What? Everyone knows that!" Aestiria added casually as if it were common knowledge.

Lytharial swallowed hard, feeling exposed under Aestiria's scrutinizing gaze. She forced a tight smile, hoping to conceal the turmoil churning within her. 

     "I suppose they do," she muttered, her mind racing with unanswered questions about Aestiria's true intentions and the depth of her feelings for Legolas.

Aestiria continued, her tone dripping with disdain as she launched into a tirade against dwarves, disparaging their character and appearance. Lytharial's anger simmered beneath the surface, her jaw clenched as she listened to Aestiria's derogatory remarks.

     "How could you even get yourself in love with a dwarf?" Aestiria scoffed her words like daggers aimed at Lytharial's heart.

Lytharial's fury ignited, her temper flaring as she stepped closer to Aestiria, her voice low and menacing. 

     "Shut your mouth before I make you shut up," she seethed, her eyes flashing with indignation. "Don't you dare talk bad about him!"

Aestiria blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by Lytharial's sudden outburst. She recovered quickly, a sly smirk playing at the corners of her lips. 

     "Ah, so you have a cherished memory of him," she taunted, her words laced with mockery.

Lytharial's expression softened momentarily as memories of Kili flooded her mind. She closed her eyes briefly, exhaling a heavy sigh before meeting Aestiria's gaze with a steely resolve. 

     "Yes, but he is gone," she conceded, her voice tinged with melancholy. "There's no point in dwelling on the past."

Aestiria's smile faltered, a hint of uncertainty flickering in her eyes as she processed Lytharial's words. She had expected resistance, perhaps even hostility, but the casual dismissal caught her off guard.

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