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It is not true that everyone is special. Everyone was indeed once special and still possesses the ability to recover it

As Lytharial rose from her bed, the remnants of her nightmare still lingering in her mind, she steadied her racing heart. She had another nightmare. In this one, Kili was the one killing her family. She shook her head and ran her palm over her forehead to remove the sweat. The golden sunlight filtering through the windows cast a warm glow over her new chamber, soothing her frayed nerves and imbuing the room with a sense of tranquility that she desperately needed.

Glancing around the room, Lytharial couldn't help but appreciate the spaciousness and elegance of her new quarters. The green and gold tones of the furnishings lent a regal air to the space, and intricate elven patterns adorned the walls and tapestries, weaving tales of a bygone era. Despite the grandeur, there was a comforting familiarity to it all, reminding her of the halls of her childhood home.

Crossing the room to the window, Lytharial gazed out at the courtyard below, where elves bustled about their daily routines with purpose and grace. She watched as sunlight danced upon the leaves of the ancient trees, casting dappled shadows upon the cobblestone paths below. It was a scene that never failed to calm her troubled mind, grounding her in the present moment.

However, her moment of respite was short-lived as the reality of the day ahead settled upon her. With a soft sigh, Lytharial recalled the impending task that awaited her: finding a suitable dress for the evening banquet. The thought of navigating through the bustling markets of the city to seek out feminine attire was daunting, to say the least.

Nevertheless, she knew it was necessary, and with a resigned determination, Lytharial set about preparing herself for the day ahead. As she made her way out of her chamber and across the hall to where Legolas's chamber stood, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of her mind. But for now, she pushed aside her concerns, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead, and resolved to make the most of the day before her.

She quickly dressed and decided to run to the barn. When she opened the door, Lytharial saw the door behind which was Legolas' chamber. She didn't bother to knock to see if he was there. She just took a bag of gold with her and went down through the palace to the stable.

Lytharial's heart raced with anticipation as she stepped into the cool confines of the palace stables, the familiar scent of hay and horse mingling with the soft murmur of activity. Onyx, her faithful companion, awaited her with quiet patience, his dark coat gleaming under the soft glow of lantern light.

With a tender smile, Lytharial approached the magnificent stallion, her fingers trailing affectionately over his sleek muzzle as she leaned in to press a gentle kiss against it. 

     "My lovely Onyx," she murmured, her voice filled with warmth and fondness. Despite the passing weeks of separation, the bond between them remained as strong as ever, a testament to the unwavering loyalty shared between horse and rider.

As she led Onyx out of the stable and secured him in front of the barn, Lytharial's thoughts turned to the saddlebags she needed to retrieve before embarking on their ride. With a glance back towards the stable entrance, she hastened back inside, her footsteps echoing against the worn wooden floorboards.

In her haste, however, she collided with an unexpected obstacle, the weight of the saddlebags slipping from her grasp and tumbling to the ground with a soft thud. Startled, Lytharial looked up to find Fernas, standing before her with a look of genuine surprise.

     "Sorry, I wasn't looking!" his voice rang out, filled with genuine contrition.

     "Fernas!" Lytharial exclaimed, her surprise mirrored in her voice. "What are you doing here?"

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