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Heart of stone will be shattered 

The battle raged on, the tide turning against the orcs as the combined might of the elven and allied forces pressed forward. Legolas, at the forefront of the conflict, fought with a valor fueled by a deep-rooted sense of duty. However, the weariness of the prolonged battle began to take its toll on the elven prince.

As he gracefully dodged and countered strikes, a sudden, unexpected attack caught him off guard. An orc, lurking in the shadows, seized the opportunity and thrust a wickedly serrated blade towards him. The strike, swift and aimed with malevolent precision, grazed the prince's side, leaving a deep, bleeding gash in its wake.

The pain was immediate, a searing sensation that cut through Legolas's concentration. Yet, his elven resilience prevailed, and he continued to fight, though each movement carried the weight of the fresh wound. The elven prince pressed on, determined not to let the injury hinder his commitment to the battle and his people.

With each swing of his blades, Legolas felt the stinging reminder of the orc's treacherous strike. The wound, though not incapacitating, added a layer of difficulty to his movements. Yet, his agility and combat prowess remained, as he gracefully danced through the battlefield, dispatching foes with the same finesse that had become synonymous with his name.

The battlefield, a theater of chaos and carnage, gradually succumbed to an eerie calm as the orcs began their retreat. The once-thunderous footsteps of the retreating horde echoed through the open expanse, leaving behind the haunting remnants of their inhuman voices. The air, once filled with the clamor of battle, now reverberated with a solemn stillness.

The ground beneath Legolas's boots quivered with the aftermath of the conflict. His keen elven senses picked up the faintest sounds of groans and whispers from the fallen, the aftermath of a brutal confrontation between elven kind and the orcish menace. His fingers pressed against his side, attempting to staunch the flow of blood from the wound inflicted during the heat of battle. The pain, a sharp reminder of mortality, cut through the numbness that had settled during the frenzied combat.

Surveying the scene, Legolas couldn't help but be struck by the stark contrast between the recent violence and the quiet that now settled over the battlefield. The sky, once obscured by the leathery wings of huge bats, now revealed the gentle hues of twilight. The acrid stench of decay, which had clung to the air like a grim specter, gradually dissipated.

Amid the sea of lifeless bodies, Legolas sought out the healers. His eyes, scanning the field for those skilled in the art of mending wounds, were met by the image of Lytharial. Her figure, leaning against Aranel, exuded a blend of weariness and resilience. It was a testament to the price paid for victory.

With each step toward Lytharial, Legolas felt the weight of his injuries. The blood-soaked ground served as a somber reminder of the sacrifices made for the greater good. 

Lytharial, leaning against Aranel, felt a mixture of relief and exhaustion. The potions administered by the healers coursed through her veins, providing a surge of vitality drawn from the depths of a gentle, yet resilient well within her.

As she caught her breath, Aranel's comforting presence anchored her in the reality that the struggle was indeed over. The once-unrelenting onslaught of enemies had yielded to the resilience of the elven forces. 

     "It's over," Aranel murmured, the words hanging in the air like a soothing balm.

Lytharial echoed the sentiment, her voice a mere whisper that carried the weight of countless battles. 

     "It's over," she repeated, savoring the taste of the words that signaled the end of a perilous journey.

Amid the aftermath of the conflict, her gaze shifted towards the approaching figure of Legolas. The fading light of day revealed his form, a silhouette against the backdrop of the war-ravaged terrain. His movements, usually fluid and graceful, now betrayed a weariness as he staggered toward them. The soft glow of twilight painted a stark contrast to the blood seeping through his fingers, staining his once-pristine attire.

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