Gundabad's ghosts

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In the shadows of Gundabad, where memories linger like ghosts, they raced against time, pursued by the echoes of a grief-stricken past, seeking solace in the promise of a distant horizon

The charged air in the room seemed to thicken as Legolas and Kili stood in front of each other, each a formidable force in his own right. Legolas, towering and imposing, cast a glance down upon Kili, his elven grace and stoic demeanor radiating an intimidating presence. On the other side, Kili, though not as physically imposing, exuded a unique brand of manliness born from the resilience of a dwarf who had faced battles and adversity.

As accusations were thrown between the two, Lytharial attempted to intervene, her voice a feeble attempt to quell the brewing storm. 

        "Just stop it," she whispered, her strength giving in as her legs buckled, and she sank to the ground.

Legolas, with his eyes still fixed on Kili, issued a directive to Lytharial. 

        "We have to go now."

But Kili, standing firm, wasn't about to let the matter rest. 

       "She can't walk," he stated, his voice carrying the weight of concern for the wounded elf.

Legolas, his gaze unwavering, replied, 

       "That is not your concern, dwarf. She is under my protection."

Kili's expression hardened, a defiance gleaming in his eyes. 

         "And I am under the obligation to ensure the well-being of those who need it."

Legolas, unyielding, retorted, 

        "She brought this upon herself. She is responsible for her actions."

Kili, however, wasn't one to back down easily. 

       "You can't just dismiss her sacrifice. She came here wounded and fought beside us. You can't just disregard that!"

Legolas, with a cold precision in his voice, stated,

       "Her actions were reckless and foolish. She endangered herself and those she claimed to protect."

Kili, though visibly angered, maintained his composure. 

      "Yet, she saved lives. Does that not count for anything?"

Legolas's eyes flashed with a hint of frustration. 

      "Her recklessness could have cost her life! What value is there in a sacrifice that need not have been made?"

Kili lowered his head in a momentary acknowledgment of Legolas's argument. The weight of responsibility for Lytharial's well-being weighed on his shoulders, and he understood the implications of her sacrifice.

      "We have to find out where the Orcs keep coming from," Legolas stated with a sense of urgency, his eyes fixed on the broader threat they faced.

 Without wasting any more time, he gripped Lytharial by the arm and guided her out of the house.

Lytharial, weakened and disoriented, attempted to resist. 

      "I need to stay with the dwarves," she protested, her voice a feeble attempt to assert her wishes. But Legolas, resolute in his decision, didn't yield.

Instead, he continued to guide her, refusing to let her linger amid the aftermath. The urgency of their situation demanded immediate action. As they reached the dead end where Legolas's horse was, he wasted no time. He swiftly placed her on a horse in front of him, ensuring she had the support needed to endure the journey ahead.

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