Chapater 18

351 16 2

Lydia' P.O.V
There was a knock on the door and Scott ran to open it. Then the police came and some cop came in and took Stiles by the ear. I'm guessing that's his dad. Allison and Kira couldn't stop starring at each other. They were differently showing hate and anger. Everybody was leaving the party and I had no way back home. Stiles just left with his dad and Allison said she wanted to stay and talk to Scott. Gosh what I'm I going to do now. Should I walk I thought to myself.

"Excuse me miss?" Some cop said from behind me

"Yes." I answered he didn't look my older then me. On his name tag it said Parrish. " how can I help you Deputy Parrish." I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Better question how can I help you?" He said kinda flirty. At least I think he was flirting.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Well you seem lost, Miss." Parrish said
"Stop calling me miss its Lydia and I'm just trying to find a way back home." I say and start walking towards the door to leave.

"I can drive you? Unless you have a yellow brick road to lead you home." He said smirking. He was really cute and funny.

"Haha funny" I say giving a little smirk back at him "I'll take you up on that offer for a ride now." I say with a little giggle.

"Of coarse come with me Lydia." He said taking my hand in his. I thought for a moment my mom is probably going to kill me if she sees me show up in a police car. But then again she's probably not home she never is. He open the door for me and I got in I gave him direction to my house in we arrived there pretty quick the car read was a bit silent but it wasn't bad. When we arrived he walked me to my door.

"I hope you have a goodnight Lydia." Parrish said

"Yeah you to" I said smiling "I never got your name."

"Oh yeah my name is Jordan. Jordan Parrish." He said reaching out for my hand and shaking it. He just kept holding my hand never letting go of my hand and it felt nice.
"Well this might be weird since we just meant but will you go out with me?" Jordan said playing with my hand in his. I started to think should I. then I remembered Stiles. What should I do? He seems like a good guy. What's the harm of having a little fun. It's not like Stiles is going to break up with Malia for me. So I'm going to do it. I look at our hands still intertwine and I gave him a big smile and I was about to say yes but then out of no where someone else spoke.

"Well Lydia are you going to answer?" I look to see who it was and of coarse its Stiles.

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