Chapater 19

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"Yes" I said looking at Jordan and ignoring Stiles. Jordan smiled at me and picked up my hand and kissed it. It felt uncomfortable I just said yes to spike Stiles. Stiles has Malia and I don't want to interfere anymore. I need my own relationship a real one. I'm Lydia Martin I'm girlfriend quality and definitely not anybody's second choice. So if stiles wanted to be with me then he would have to break up with maila. But I would never ask him to do that it would be asking for to much. That's why I've decided to stop messing around with Stiles before things get to deep before I start to fall in love with him. But that's the funny thing about love it shows up unexpectedly and I don't know if I love stiles I just know that I like him a lot. So I need to stop this for my own good I don't want to get hurt. Like Allison did I knew that in such little time she feel in love with Scott. I could see it in her eyes every time he would walk bye or do something so simple. At his touch she would melt and I never thought that someone can fall in love so quick. That's what I wanted but Stiles has me in this big ass mess and it's driving me crazy. I'm lost in my mind then I come back to reality. I see Jordan getting in his car and leaving and Stiles comes and stands in front of me. Oh my this can't be good, he seems mad, no furious. What have I gotten my self in to.

"Well, we'll miss Martin seems like you found yourself a date." Stiles says with no emotion his he making a joke. I don't know but I don't think I won't to get him mad. Maybe I do I've never seen Stiles mad maybe mad stiles is sexy.

"Seems as I did mr. Stililiski" I say smirking I'm not sure if this is a game but I like to win.
"Do you think this is funny Lydia?" He questions me raising an eyebrow. I giggle and he stares at me more seriousness. I almost want to cry laughing but I keep a straight face.
"Now, now mr.Stiliski don't get upset wouldn't want to get all void on me?" I say switch a grin and he frowns.
"This isn't funny Lydia I come here to make sure you got home okay because my dad came and drag me out without giving me any chance to take you home. Then I come here to see this guy filtrating with you and asking you out and you gladly accept invite of me?" He says with a tone of anger.
" funny but I recall that we aren't anything so why are you mad?"
"Lydia yes we are were something, okay? We're together and...." I cut him off not letting him finish.
"We are NOT together, okay?" I take a deep breath and look him in the eye "You are with Malia, all you want from me is to mess around and I'm done." I say unlocked my front door and stepping and I was about to shut it but he wouldn't let me.
"What are you doing?" I say mad as hell. Honestly I just want to go to sleep.
"Lydia I'm not going to let you go that easy" he says staring at me hard.well this is a bit intense.
"And why not?"
"Because you're Lydia Martin" he says smiling like he wanted to say something else.
"Thanks Sherlock you just realized the obvious." I say trying to close the door.
"And also because I love ..." I swear I was about to die. But before he could finish someone cut him off.
"Excuse me" I look to see Jordan and I smile at him and look at Stiles and tell him to give me a minute. Stiles walk away a little bit but not to far.
"Yes? What happened?" I asked Jordan concerned
"Well I couldn't stop thinking about you so I came back to do this." Before I could register what he was doing he kissed me and I just stood there shock in the corner of my eye I saw stiles cursed and it also caused me to s e him like that before I pushed Parrish away stiles was already in his jeep and gone.

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