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Loki's body is healing far more slowly than the healers expect. They have set his bones before- a broken arm as a child, a few fractured ribs as a young man, and they believe he will heal the same as any of the Aesir they have worked on, as they do not know where he was adopted from, merely that Odin brought home a child. But he does not. Nothing seems abnormal, just very very slow. And while he is occasionally bored, and has read his books again and again, and Jane's books again and again, he is relatively calm. This is also unexpected. They were prepared for the worst, Odin's warnings about an infirm Loki being a bored and unstable Loki repeated many times while Thor sought him out.

They theorize as to why he might be delayed. Perhaps it is something unknown in how he received the wounds. Perhaps they are magic. Or maybe his sorcery has impeded his healing. Or is there something embedded in his body they have missed? Thor tires of hearing these differing suppositions and finally asks if they have spoken to him. Is it possible, he asks, that it is simply because he does not want to heal?

For a few moments, the room is silent. Someone asks why anyone would not want to heal. Another asks if this means he is using magic to keep himself from mending. Thor sighs. Someone has to speak to Loki instead of guessing. He volunteers.

The next morning, there is a light knock on Loki's door and he calls for his guest to enter. An older child enters- a girl with mousy brown hair and bright blue eyes. She sits in the chair beside Loki's bed and greets him.

"Good morning."

"Hello. And who might you be?"


"Your garb is too fine to be a serving girl."

She smiles, "Of course. I am your niece."

He is stunned, "I have a niece?"


"Are there any other children?"

"No. Only me."

"How did I not know of you? Your father lived in Asgard a good number of years...."

"Yes, he did. And while you were on the throne."

"Ah. He told you."

"Yes. And it would have been hard to miss Grandfather's anger. He was in a rage when we returned from adventuring after Mother's death. It was the first time I met him."

"Oh? That must have been terrifying."

"It was. Your magic had faded with distance and his fury was intense. It was good that you were away, Father says, or he would have killed you without though."

"That is not surprising. I have done some fairly terrible things. Stealing the throne was only one of them."

"Grandfather asks about you, you know. The time Father spent searching for you gave him space to think. He was furious at Father for leaving. He thought the quest was foolish, that you had set your own fate. But Father loves you so dearly. And I think that I reminded him of when you were both children. He does not understand, but he is trying. He is not entirely heartless."

"Did they send you to speak of these things with me knowing I would hold my temper better for a child?"

"No. I asked to come."

"You asked?"

"Father has told me stories of your spirit for years. I have been eagerly waiting to meet you. When he told me that the healers were unwilling to ask you a simple question, I asked if I could speak to you myself."

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