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It is Midsummer's Eve. The energy in the palace is electric. Loki cannot stop smiling. Thor laughs heartily with him and Fandral as they choose their garments for the evening's revels. Loki is nervous, and cannot decide on his clothing. Fandral lightly jests that if they left him to his own devices, he would still be indecisive at dawn- he may simply have to go naked. This earns him a swat on the arm.

The wedding is a secret. Volstagg has not even told his wife what awaits around the bonfire and he cannot stop smiling as he helps his children dress. Hogun and Sif prepare at her home. Jenna retrieves the final pieces of her own outfit and tries to get her grandfather excited about the bonfire. Odin still does not entirely understand the reason for this festival, but he is trying to be open to it. He thinks dressing up is pointless, but Jenna insists and he has much to make up to her, so he lets her take the lead on costuming him.

Thor is ready first- he wears a long velvet tunic, a cape of crimson trimmed in white fur, and a mask of gold, a crown on his head, an Arthur with an English lion on his chest. He is regal and amused at this play of the king hiding behind a costume of a king. Fandral has been digging in Thor's costume closet and discovers a glitzy black jacket, ruffled shirt, and silver snug leggings. There is a label on it- Jareth- along with a photograph of a man with painted eyes and teased hair, the horned mask rimmed in long, slender feathers to emulate the hair. He jests that he matches Loki's helmet.

"This Jareth was a spectacularly dressed fellow. Look at this delightfully frilly shirt! These magnificent snug trousers! And how did he do that to his hair?"

"As my wife described it, there was a magic to the 80s they called AquaNet. It came in a can and when one sprayed it on hair, the hair would do whatever one wished. She says it was likely also responsible for many headaches and possibly the destruction of the environment. She may have been facetious about that last bit, but I am not so certain."

"I regret we were not there to see it! We should have visited Midgard more often during this time they called the 80s."

"Verily. She describes it as a wondrous time of neon, leggings, leather, animal print stretchy fabric, and bad fashion decisions. And big hair."

"That sounds like delightful fun."

"I have some of her films. We should watch them some day. The one with this Jareth was one of her favourites."

"Again, delightful fun. When you are ready, we will take over the large dining hall and project them onto the wall."

"Brother, would you join us for a night of films and fantasy from Midgard?"

Loki stands over a pile of garments, picking through, still undecided, "Hmm? Oh, yes. I would. It would be fun."

"Good! When you have settled in with Sif, perhaps we will do such a thing. If we do it too soon, we will all be subjected to far too much of your adorable newlywed snuggling when the lights are out."

Loki briefly glares at him, "Oh come now, Thor, we are not like that now, why would be tomorrow?"

"You did not see Jane and I after we married. Fandral can attest, despite our time together before, we were intolerable."

"They were. It was so sickeningly sweet that we had to start charging for each kiss. I made a small fortune."

Loki chuckles, "I can assure you, we will be more subdued."

"No, Brother, you will not be. You are a romantic at heart. Mark my words, you will find yourself with eyes only for her for at least the first few months. And we will be happy for you. Though we may have to find the kiss jar and bring it to our gatherings."

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