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The morning of Jenna's presentation as princess begins with breakfast, but she struggles to eat anything. She is nervous, and worse yet, her father has been called to early business and she is left to eat in their rooms alone. She picks at the fruit and hopes that she can eat enough to avoid fainting during her procession into the throne room, but also little enough that she does not throw up at any point.

There is a knock on the door and she checks the time, but it is too early for her first appointment. She calls and recognises the voice that answers. Sif enters. She is carrying a small tray and she sits down opposite Jenna.

She lifts the cover on the tray, "Here. Your father said you were alone and sent me to make sure you eat. I have some tricks for big days."

"You brought more food."

"Yes, but not just any food. Things I have used to keep me going through long, nerve-wracking ceremonies."

"Father tells me today will be brief."

"Well then they should do just as well to get you through short nerve-wracking ceremonies." She selects a few items from the tray and places them on Jenna's plate, "Try them. I promise nothing tastes disgusting."

There are berries in yoghurt, light pastries drizzled in fruit sauces, and a large chunk of dark chocolate. Jenna eats slowly, testing each of these things. When nothing threatens to come back up, she sighs in relief and finishes breakfast.

"Thank you, Sif."

"You are ever welcome. Now, do you want me to stay with you through your morning appointments?"

"I would love that."

"Who comes first?"

"The tailor. Then the person doing hair. And someone else who wants to do something to my hands and feet. And then there will be someone along to paint my makeup. I won't even look like myself."

"If it bothers you, order them to keep things simple. They are your staff, Jenna. As the princess, you get to give orders. Not them. Even if they are persistent."

"I've never given orders before."

"You will learn to. You are the daughter of the king. There are certain privileges that come with such a station."

"I just want to be Jenna, though, not something so different from everyone that I can no longer play or sing or laugh loudly."

"Then you will be a good princess, and later, a good ruler, if you see your people as your peers."

There is another knock on the door and Jenna checks the time. It is the tailor. She calls for him to enter.

Hours later, Jenna is ready. Or mostly ready. There is time for a story or two and she is perched on the edge of a stool reading when Loki and Thor enter the chambers. Her father is picking up the text for her introduction from his desk, but leaves quickly after kissing her forehead. Sif follows to ready herself for court. Loki has to do the same.

"Before I leave, I wanted to give you something. Your father and I thought for many hours on what gift we wanted to bring you today. But we finally came to an agreement." He holds out a flat square box and she carefully lifts the lid. Inside is a necklace, glittering silver set with brilliant midnight precious gems. At the centre, there is a teardrop pendant set with a stone she has never seen before- its many colours swirl like spilled paint.

"This is beautiful."

"We were so glad when you chose to wear dark blue. It matches nicely."

"What is the stone in the middle?"

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