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When Thor goes to ask Loki to join him for breakfast, he does not expect to find Loki very much drunk. But he does. Loki is sprawled on the floor, bottles surrounding him, not asleep, but also not very awake. It appears as though he has spent the night drinking. It is so unexpected that Thor immediately guesses that there is only one person who could have triggered this and he is livid. But first he has a brother to care for. He pries the final bottle out of Loki's fingers as Loki is trying to drink from it. More spills over him than reaches his mouth. He mumbles something as Thor hoists him up and deposits him on his be and then places a basin on the nightstand, just in case. He moves all the books farther away as well. On the other nightstand, he puts water and towels along with a note to send for him when he wakes and is ready.

Thor seeks out Odin.

"Father, what have you done?"

"I did nothing."

"Then why is my brother drunk to the point of unconsciousness? He has been up all night."

"His failings are not my problem, Thor."

"You did not speak to him?"

"I did."

"After I asked you to wait?"

"I was once his father. I have no need for you to dictate what I can and cannot do."

Thor represses the urge to fling whatever Odin is writing on the floor and stab him with his pen, "You will tell me what you said."

"I asked him to share some of his heart so that I might trust him."


"He told me I taught him betrayal."

"And this is all he said?"

"In a much more winded fashion, yes."

Thor does not believe his father, but he also knows that he will get nowhere questioning him. He leaves, slamming the door behind him.

When he returns to his own quarters, Jenna is waiting, "Is he coming?"

"No, child. He cannot."

Her face falls, "What happened?"

"Your grandfather went to speak to him last night. Whatever was said between them, Loki decided to drink it away after. He was still drinking when I arrived."

"He will not wake until supper."


"Will he be OK?"

Thor sits down and takes her hands, "I think so, yes. But I must find out what upset him so and that might not be something he wishes to say in your presence."

"Then perhaps you can speak of such things after I have gone to bed."

"I think that would be wise."

Jenna sighs, "I suppose then it's waffles for two this morning."

"Yes, my dear girl, but let us make the best of it. They will still have whipped cream, whether for two or three."


Loki wakes early evening and does not remember how he got to his own bed. He turns over and notices the water and towels, then looks to the other side and sees the basin. He knows this is Thor's work. He has done this for him before. Loki slowly sits up, drinks the water, and goes to shower. When he returns, he reads the note and sends for Thor.

When Thor arrives, Jenna is with him. She walks quickly to Loki and throws her arms around him in a huge hug. Loki holds her tightly.

"I am sorry to have missed breakfast."

"Father told me you were quite upset. And drunk. I am sorry you felt so badly. Next time, get hugs instead."

He laughs, "You are a delight. I will do my best to try hugs first."

"Mother always said hugs were far better than anything else for helping someone to feel better. That and freshly baked bread."

"Mmmm, I think she may be right on both counts."

"Can we read for a little while before supper?" The question is aimed both at her uncle and father.

"I think there is time for a bit," Thor answers. Loki lets himself be dragged to the couch and they settle down for more of "Neverwhere"- Thor pulls up a chair and finds himself leaning forward to listen. The story is almost musical when Loki reads it. Then Jenna stops him and begins to read to him instead. Thor wishes for a moment that she would let Loki read, believing that the lyric quality of his voice is what makes the story so interesting, but he is surprised to find that she is becoming a good reader as well.

After a little while, Thor interrupts at a chapter break and they take supper together in Thor's quarters. It is nothing elaborate, but Loki appreciates the simplicity of a dinner with family that does not dissolve into an argument and at which no one makes him feel inferior in any way. He is always wary when he eats in the dining halls. When king, he often ate alone. But when he was not, when he was merely a prince, there were so many times he was corrected for something or chastised for his day's activities while sitting at the dining table, the one place where the family congregated throughout the week. Too many times he ate in uncomfortable silence while his mother tried to coax the conversation back to life. But not here. Not at Thor's table with Jenna. These suppers are filled with stories and laughter and, even when the conversation becomes serious, there is always an understanding in them that he has long missed.
After supper there is more reading, and then Thor tells Jenna it is time for bed. She says her goodnights, hugs her father and her uncle, and skips off.

To Loki, he says, "Talk."

And Loki knows that this is about the night before, so he tells him everything.

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