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Odin dozes on a bench after the dancing has tapered down. Loki and Sif have snuggled under the great oak on a blanket stolen from Volstagg's cart and no one bothers them as they nuzzle and kiss under the canopy of leaves. Fandral has, as always, found his way to the pile of bodies on one side of the fire that now snores and occasionally giggles. Hogun has vanished with his sun lady and Volstagg's children are trundled off to their beds. Thor and Jenna count early morning shooting stars as the night sky lightens to grey.

When the sun first colours the horizon with tendrils of lavender and crimson, Hogun returns and wakes Fandral, "Say your farewells, friend, for we ride with the rising sun." He leaves as Fandral turns to rouse the leaf-clad man beside him.

He next goes to the oak and shakes Sif's shoulder, "Wake, my friend. We must return to the city."

She swats at him, "Go bother Fandral."

"I already did."

"Then go bother Thor."

"He is still awake."

"And you do not want to be the one to wake the All-Father."


"Fine. But go away."

Hogun chuckles to himself as he walks to the horses. It has been a good night for all of them.

Sif wakes Loki with a kiss, "Mmmm, the first morning kiss from my wife. Do give a second."

She does, and he is eager to continue for a third and fourth, but she gently pushes him back, "Our family waits for us. It is time to return to the city."

"Oh, let them wait a few more moments...."

"No, I think not. It would be quite awkward were your father to come looking for us."

"Hmmm, you are right. I suppose then that we must go willingly." He sits and runs his fingers through his hair, "There are twigs in my hair, Lady. Will you pluck them out?"

"Only if you will do the same."

"As before, yes. I delight in your dark hair."

"You ought, you caused it." She tugs him up and sits behind him, raking her fingers through his hair.

"I should have taken it as an omen then that we would some day find ourselves in this position. The only people in Asgard with hair as the night."

"Did you fancy me then?"

"No. I thought you vain and arrogant, a daughter of the court, beautiful, but an annoyance at best."

"Well then I suppose I have you to thank for my transformation into a shieldmaiden."

"If only I had thought to do it sooner." He dodges as she punches his arm, laughing. He scrambles to his feet and tosses the blanket up as a wall. "Would you believe me if I told you the entire thing was unplanned?"

"Possibly, but not likely." She clambers to her feet and gestures for him to pick the twigs from her braids.

"Unlikely as it seems, it was not. But I like you far better now." He darts in and kisses her cheek.

"I hope so, given that we just married."

"You will have to remind me of that often. I still cannot quite believe it." She retrieves her discarded riding jacket; he takes it and helps her put it on, his hands lingering on her shoulders, "Thank you, Sif. I cannot repeat it enough."

She takes his hand and leads him towards their horses, "It is a choice I was happy to make."

The family rides from the hills quietly, taking in the bright colours of the new day. They are tired, but there is also something invigorating about the bright sun piercing the hills on Midsummer's Day. They dismount at the palace gate and call for servants to take their horses. They amble across the wide courtyard leading up to the palace steps.

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