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Loki's magic for Jenna has become more elaborate as he has felt more comfortable making his presence around the palace known.  Few in the court are aware of his return and he has avoided most of the servants.  Rumours abound amongst those who do know about where he was for decades, but most of them are ridiculous and he has no plans to tell them what happened.  Those who do know he is living there keep quiet.  The servants learned long ago not to spread rumours about palace life.

Jenna loves the little gifts he leaves her throughout the day.  The forest in the dining hall, the waterfall in the corridor- they are all delightful reminders of the world she left when she came to live in the palace instead of the hunting cabin.  But the world she left is not all she wants.  She wants to be able to go certain places with her father and she has asked to start learning how to be a princess.  For this, she needs to be introduced to the court and to the realm.  She knows this means she has a choice to make- keep her mother hidden from the court, or reveal it and risk that they will make her life incredibly difficult and resist any of Thor's efforts to change the rules of ascension so she can someday take the throne. 

She is pondering this over a book of King Arthur myths when Loki comes to read to her while Thor attends the court, "Uncle, I am thinking deep thoughts."

"Oh?  Are these thoughts you care to share?"

"A bit.  I am trying to decide if I should ask Father to introduce me to his advisers.  Four of them I know well, and the other four are strangers to me.  But it would be a way to test the waters as to how the court will react."

"You are the daughter of their king.  They will not react poorly to this news."

"If I am to be introduced, I do not think I will deny my mother.  I think I would like to be Jenna, daughter of Thor, of Asgard and Midgard.  Both worlds are a part of me.  And I would like to claim this.  Perhaps there are others like us, who live between two realms, who would be not feel so badly about themselves if they knew Asgard's princess was half of each."

Loki is struck by the selflessness of her plan, "That would be incredibly brave of you, my dear girl."

"Yes, it would.  Will you be brave with me?"

"How do you mean?"

"Will you reveal yourself with me?  Introduce yourself as Loki, son of Frigga, of Asgard and Jotunheim?"

He sits across the table from her and reaches for her hands, "My darling Jenna...I do not know if I can do what you ask of me.  It is far more risky to be of Jotunheim than of Midgard."

"But you cannot live a hidden life, either.  It hurst you as much as it hurts me.  You have just lived with it longer."

"Jenna...I fear it is more complicated than this."

"How?  You would have to reveal also that Grandfather once had a sense of kindness?  How is it more complicated?  He already will not call us his own.  What else can he do?"

"He is the All-Father.  I am certain there is plenty he could do to make life harder for me.  I do not wish to find out.  I do not wish to risk what I have managed to build here in the past year."

She sighs, "I don't want to be brave on my own."

He sees her face fall and sees the disappointment in her eyes and it crushes him, "I am so sorry Jenna...I don't know how to be as brave as you are."

"What if I hold your hand?"

"I do not know that hand holding would be enough."

"What if I introduce you?  Father will introduce me, I have tested the idea with him.  I could say it however you like.  Then you would not have to say much, if anything at all.  And then we could retreat to read books and leave Father to read their reactions."

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