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Loki's life feels like it is returning to some kind of normal a few weeks after Jenna has been presented to the court. There have been difficult moments with a few members of the court, but overall, it seems as though the protection from being claimed by Thor and Odin is strong enough to keep the worst away.

Sif comes every other evening to spar by moonlight or by starlight. She accompanies him to supper nearly every evening and has easily become a part of that family habit. Jenna is thrilled to have Sif to teach her how to both be a warrior and a lady. There is something powerful to knowing that she does not have to choose a passive role in the court simply because of her sex. She has heard stories of Frigga and her refusal to let the men of the court silence her when she was a new queen, but they are more legend to her, thanks to having never met the All-Mother. And Sif knows this. She sees herself as a guide for the girl, as well as a guardian warrior ready to take down anyone who so much as blinks wrong in her direction. Of course, she knows that if Jenna needs protecting, she would need to beat both Loki and Thor to vengeance- otherwise, there would be little left for her to take vengeance on.

She meets Loki at his door and they holds his hand as they walk to the training yard. When they arrive, the night is moonless, the lights in the palace mostly dark, and the yards are shielded from the city glare by the high walls surrounding the palace. They can hardly see one another's features. When they start sparring, they are dancing shadows, ill defined and their weapons hard to track. It is a challenge that Sif gladly accepts and Loki relishes. They know one another's patterns so well that they have to continually reinvent themselves when they fight to keep their bouts surprising.

She strikes, he parries. She circles back. He sees an opportunity and darts for her, but she blocks the strike and lunges for her own shot. They collide and he knocks her legs out from under her. She grabs him and pulls him down with her. He catches himself as he falls on top of her. She laughs and he lingers instead of getting off her. She grabs the front of his shirt and kisses him.

"Oh my, Sif, darling- shouldn't we go inside if you wish to proceed?"

"Why? No one will see us here. No one ever sees us here." And she kisses him again. He chuckles at the forbidden nature of their encounter in what would, in daylight hours, be a very public location.

"You are spirited tonight, my lady."

"Is there ever a time when I am not?"

"True, true. But still, would my lady not wish to retire to someplace more comfortable?"

"No, the dark is enticing."

"Have you done this before?"

"Do you mean this, this, or this, here?"

"Oh, either."

"Yes to the act, no to the place."

"So a fantasy?" he teases, his fingers in her hair, 'Perhaps you have dreamt of it with other lovers? Maybe Fandral?"

She cannot help but laugh and playfully shove him, and when he nearly topples off her, she grabs his shirt and pulls him down, nipping at his chin, "Of course not! He's like my brother!"

"Perhaps he will seek you out if you do not show for your morning tea. Will he be jealous, dear lady?"

"Is the trickster afraid of being caught?"

"Mmmm...no...but my mind is racing with deliciously devious ideas."

"Do you care to share them with me, or show me instead?"

Their sparring forgotten, it is a challenge Loki happily takes.


Hours later, the cold wakes them and they fumble to gather their garments and weapons in the dark. Giggling, they stagger back to Loki's rooms, discarding everything they put back on to travel inside in a trail to his bed.

They sleep late, waking with dirt in their hair, their skin smudged, clothing scattered. He traces his fingers along her arm, drifting to the curve of her hip under silk sheets. She smiles, her eyes still closed.

"Good morning, Loki."

"A good morning, indeed, though I think we have slept through most of it."

"Given where I am, I cannot complain. It is a good way to spend a morning."

He kisses her forehead, "Agreed. Nor can I."

"We should do this more often."

"I certainly would not be opposed to that."

She opens her eyes and pushes him down, sliding on top of him, "Do you know you are quite beautiful in the late morning light?"

"It is not something I have ever been told before."

"Well you are. So we should most definitely sleep late when we do this again."

Someone knocks on the door and, startled, Sif tumbles off him, stifling laughter.

"Who is it?"

"Brother! It is I! I come with a request for you to join us for breakfast."

He stretches and calls back, "I think I will have to decline, as I am quite happily indecent, and, with the company I am keeping, would like to stay that way for a while." Sif is trying so hard to contain her laughter that she snorts.

There is a brief silence from the other side of the door, "Oh. Oooohhh...."

Loki chuckles and sets Sif off. Thor can hear them laughing through the door.

"Then meet us in the gardens for a late lunch."

"Yes, Thor. Now leave us, please. We have business to attend to." Another fit of laughter. Thor turns from the door, chuckling, shaking his head.

Jenna meets him in their quarters, "So, what did he say?"

"Loki will be unable to join us for breakfast."

Her face falls, "Oh.... Is he alright? Did he say why?"

Thor tussles her hair, "Perhaps I should be less forward, but Sif joined him for the night and they are not ready to leave his bed."

Her eyes widen and then she blushes, "Oh my!"

"Indeed. So we will leave them to their morning and they will join us for a late lunch."



"Do you think I will some day have an Aunt Sif?"

"I think that is distinctly possible."

She smiles and takes his hand, "You will have to tell me all about courting in Asgard. Just so I know what to expect."

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