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Midsummer's Eve approaches. There is an excitement in the air as Jenna skips the halls, practically dancing between her lessons, fittings for a new gown, her evening reads with Loki, and her first few practice fights in the training yards. She is training with Fandral. Sif is busy with preparations and has disappeared from the palace.

Sif is readying her house for Loki. They plan to live both places, and she has made it clear that Jenna is welcome whenever she wishes. This has only added to Jenna's glee. It has added to Loki's playfulness as well. He has not seen Sif in a few days and his excitement grows, it seems, by the hour. Jenna catches him dancing to music only he can hear when she slips unseen into his rooms for an evening read. The room is full of tiny floating pinpricks of light that roll off her skin and settle back where they came from as she passes by. She laughs- they tickle- and he stops dancing.

"I have an idea, Uncle. Wait here, I will be right back." She runs out of the room and returns moments later with the bowl and a music cube, "Mother's music." She sets the bowl on his desk and drops the cube in. It plays, "Do you want to go to a real party?" A heavy drum beat. An instrument Loki has never heard before that has its own low drone. It is lively, it invites dancing by its very nature. She takes his hands, grinning.

"Mother and I used to dance to this every year during the day on Midsummer's Eve. We loved this band. And it reminded Mother of Midgard."

"Are there special steps?"

"No. Just dance."

The spirit of the music is the same as the spirit around the bonfire. The little stars shimmer and bounce as they move through them. Jenna can't stop laughing as he twirls her. Sparks of colour erupt from the glimmers as they collide with one another and it looks like they are dancing in the rainbow. The song bleeds into another and another and they dance until their feet hurt and they are exhausted, collapsing on the couch out of breath, laughing.

Jenna curls against Loki and he kisses her forehead, "Will we still do this when you are married? Or will you have no more time for our games?"

"My darling girl, I will always have time for our games. And while they may move between this palace and Sif's home, we will still play. Even when you are grown and I am old, if you ask me to dance, I will say yes."

She closes her eyes, and settles against him as he puts his arm around her shoulders, "Good. When I am grown, if I have children, I will teach them to dance and we will still celebrate Midsummer's Eve in the hills around the bonfire. And if any of my children are skilled in the magic arts, you can help teach them. And Father and Sif can teach them to fight. We will all read together. It will be a wonderful life."

Listening to her daydream, Loki finds an immense hope- he has a secure place with Jenna's family. There will be no more casting out, there will be no more questions if he belongs or not. Her children will be raised to see nothing wrong with him.

"Will you let me tell them my story when they are old enough? My mistakes, my hurt, my victories, and the salvation you have brought me?"

"I did nothing, Uncle, but love you as you are."

"My darling, that was something I had not considered possible. Your gentleness likely saved my life."

"I just did what I do. But yes, you may tell my children your story in your own words when you are ready."

"You will be an excellent ruler, Jenna. And whomever you choose to stand beside you will be very lucky indeed to have captured your heart."

She yawns and smiles, "I think Sif is lucky to have captured yours." She drifts off to sleep before he can reply, but he speaks anyway.

"You are a wonder, child. A beautiful, delightful, wise little wonder."

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