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Loki and Sif play. She darts through the court, he makes flowers to bloom where she steps. There are things he knows the court will say about him later- he is already getting dirty looks from some of them, others are moving away to avoid speaking to him as he passes. They do not know exactly how he is "of Jotunheim", but any association is enough to condemn him. But Sif's declaration buoys his mood enough that he can, for the moment, brush them off.

He tries to follow her as she darts between two of the members of the court, a lady and a lord, weaving her way towards where Jenna and Fandral are laughing. The lady pushes herself behind the lord and he gasps and tries to dart away.

Loki rolls his eyes, "Excuse me. The Lady Sif bids me follow."

"Get that...that...that thing away from me!"

Loki stares, heart sinking, mouth agape, until Sif's voice breaks him from the shock, "You are utterly ridiculous to be afraid of someone you have watched grow up. Do not act like a frightened infant." She shoves him aside and grabs Loki's hand, "Come, we have a princess waiting."

"Yes, of course."

"Do not let these creatures dull your mood. Today is for celebrations and newness, the thrill of starting on a new adventure." The lord stares as she touches Loki's hand and the lady fans herself. Sif grins, pulls him close, and whispers to him, "Look at how absurd they are. Do not pay them heed." She kisses his cheek and he blushes ever so slightly, "Our princess, remember?" The lady faints, and Sif completely ignores her and the commotion the lord causes when he notices his lady has collapsed in a heap.

"Of course. Our princess." As soon as she turns her back on the dramatics, she starts laughing, her hand held over her mouth, trying to keep them from seeing. But she cannot help it, and soon Loki is biting his lip, trying the same. When they meet Jenna and Fandral, they cannot help themselves any longer and burst into giggles.

"Are you laughing about the same thing Fandral and I are?"

"Likely not. Did you see what we just had to endure?" Sif asks.

Jenna shakes her head, "No, but did it result in the commotion over there?" She points in the direction of the lady leaning heavily on the lord, her hand over her eyes, fanning herself rapidly with a handkerchief.

"Yes." She kisses Loki's cheek again, and again, he blushes, "And that is all I did."

Fandral places his hands on his cheeks in mock horror, "Oh, the absolute shock of it! It is too much, someone, my salts."

She punches his arm, "Oh hush."

"Sif, how could you possibly have the gall to take up with a gentleman as dashing as this? And a prince at that? What could you see in him beside his charming personality, devotion to scholarly study, tremendous skill in knife fighting, and his dedication to our princess? Have you lost your mind?"

"Fandral, you flatter me. I never thought you were interested." Loki winks. Jenna is trying incredibly hard to stay somewhat poised, but she is fighting fits of laughter.

Sif purses her lips, "Do not steal my prince, Fandral. I will bury you."

"Oh, I would like to see you try."

Loki steps in, "Now now, you two, I will not have my friends fighting over me. You will simply have to share."

"Share what?" Thor asks, Odin in tow.

"Me." Loki's face is calm, serious, and Thor is not entirely sure what kind of conversation he has walked into. Nor is Odin.

Sif, however, can no longer contain herself, "I...I...do...not share...." she manages to stammer between giggles.

Odin stops trying to understand what is going on. He has never seen Sif giddy, but she is now and she is leaning on Loki, who seems more than happy to have her beside him. Fandral hugs them both in turn, and Jenna is beaming as she takes her father's hand. Joy. And he knows that the court will do their best to spoil it. Jealousy runs deep in the old families and there were many who hoped to marry a daughter off to the youngest Odinson, and many others who hoped for the hand of the shieldmaiden for their son. Of course, Odin does not know if they will still seek his son given Loki's revelation. It appears, from the way he is interacting with Sif, that this will no longer be necessary. Odin wonders how Sif's family will react. Her father is not in attendance, but their family is old and powerful.

Instead of saying anything about any of this, though, Odin chooses to watch. He is very clearly starting to understand that this is no longer his world. His son is king. It is time to let go and live without a struggle to keep things as he knew them. It is time to help teach the next ruler of Asgard how to run a realm.

Jenna's presentation to the court is only the start of her duties as princess. After, she is taken in an open chariot through the city, her father and uncle beside her. When they reach the square, she slips her hand in Loki's and grips it tightly. Her smile looks a little strained. She breathes more easily once they have continued on. Loki does not ask for an explanation, but smiles as reassuringly as he can. He understands- his shoulder twinges just a little when they pass by a certain spot.

They return to the palace and Jenna is shuffled off to meet with ambassadors from Alfheim and Vanaheim, then with the chieftains from each of the outerlying tribes and the councilmen from the villages in the hills. There are things to sign, gifts to receive, and priests to greet and be blessed by. It is exhausting, and she is hungry and tired by the time the family gathers for supper.

Jenna enters the dining hall behind her father and uncle. The smells wafting from the table are delightful and tempting, some of them unfamiliar. Spices that tingle the nose, something sweet, and the smell of savory herbs on seared fish. She wonders who gave the commands to the cooks- her father has been busy all day, and they usually wait to bring food to the table until the family is ready to sit down.

Her grandfather is already seated, but he stands when they approach, "Good evening! I hope you do not mind, but I had them prepare your supper. I thought you would be hungry, and the tables were just set- the food is warm and ready."

"Thank you, Father. That was very thoughtful of you." Thor turns to his daughter, "Pick your seat, princess, for tonight we celebrate your boldness and bravery."

She skips past him and catches Loki's hand, "Then we should celebrate Uncle's bravery as well, for he has done a far more difficult thing than I."

"To my brother, then, as well!"

"Yes, to Loki!" Fandral says as he enters the room, "Who not only revealed his origins to the court, but also put up with my terrible teasing."

"If putting up with your teasing is a reason for a toast, I deserve it as well," Sif replies, "For you have not stopped all day."

Thor drops into a chair and raises his glass again, "Then to you as well, for enduring Fandral's teasing!" He drinks, as does Loki.

Odin shakes his head, smiling, "Jenna, you are a very lucky young lady to have a family such as this. I am a very foolish old man to have not seen this before. Will you allow me to be your grandfather once again?"

The room falls silent, "Yes. But no more fighting and yelling about silly things. We are what we are, and blood or built, family is family. And if you are to be in mine, you must know that I also dearly love my uncle."

"I would not ask you to part from him. We have spoken. It seems this is a day for reconciliations."

Loki sits beside her, "It is true. Things cannot be the same as before. But we are going to try to be one family again."

"And you are OK with this, Uncle?"

"Yes. I am tired of old wounds. I wish to rest, and to let them heal."

She lifts her glass, "To bravery, wherever we find it."

Everyone, even Odin, cheers.

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