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Odin, hidden in a passage in the wall, shielded by his own spells, has much to ponder. Below his observation place, the room has erupted. Thor and Volstagg try to diffuse an argument that looks on the verge of turning to blows, two of the advisors leaning over the table to yell at Fandral and Sif. Neither pair will back down.

He had known in advance that Jenna planned to reveal her heritage- Thor had told him that much, the first time they had spoken in weeks. Loki, however, is a surprise. But then again, Loki has always been a surprise. It is a part of his nature.

Odin returns his attention to the fight. It is a good thing there is a table between them, for Sif's fingers keep dancing over the weapons on her belt and one of the other men keeps gesturing with his axe. His meaning is clear. Execution. Even Odin thinks this a little extreme, given the change in character he has seen in Loki as of late- or, really, a return to the character he kept before everything spiralled out of control.

Thor cannot find a way to get a handle on the argument. He let it go so he could hear what his advisors think of his daughter and brother, but it has gone on long enough and the conversation is quite horrible. Two of his advisors are calling, at minimum, for Loki's banishment to Jotunheim to leave them to figure out what to do with him, or, preferably, his immediate execution. Two others sit uncomfortably watching. Volstagg looks lost. His refereeing has failed and there is nothing left to do other than possibly scream for them to stop this madness and he thinks that would also be useless, only adding to the noise. Hogun observes, as Hogun usually does. And Fandral and Sif defend his brother as though he were their own. This, of all things about this mess, heartens him. He rises, he calls for them to hold, and nothing happens. So he removes Mjolnir from where it sits on the floor beside his chair and slams it into the table. The table shatters and the room falls silent.


The man with the axe hooks it back at his belt, "But your majesty, Jotunheim has long been the enemy of Asgard- you cannot expect us to ignore this!"

"Yes, yes, actually, I can. You have known Loki since he was but a child. He did not know what he was until his disappearance a few decades ago. Discovery of his race is what led him to seek seclusion. How is it that you could praise him for his wit and his skills in battle then, but now, knowing nothing new of him other than his parentage, can you condemn him? Nothing you know of his character has changed!" Fandral sits when the man across from him does. The man with the axe still stands. So does Sif, glaring. "You are all dismissed. I will send word as to if you are still my advisors after I have had time to think." Four of his advisors leave.

His four friends move closer as Thor slumps in his chair, tossing Mjolnir onto the wreckage of the table.

"Thor? Are you alright?" Fandral asks.

"Be vigilant. Word will travel quickly. Loki told me he fears someone will try to kill him now that his heritage is known. After this, I fear it as well."

"We will listen well and dismiss those of our men we think may be dangerous."

Sif glares at Fandral, "Dismiss? You are far too lenient. Perhaps for those we cannot confirm, but should anyone pose a threat to the royal family, any of its members, I will destroy them."

Thor shakes his head, "I told you, no killing."

"You only said not to kill the court."

"Then I tell you now, do not kill the guard, either, unless they pose a direct threat." Thor swears she looks disappointed.

"We should be worried about what the other two will do as well, not just those who blustered with anger," Hogun says.

"You fear they will cause trouble?"

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