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Jenna is ready. She has been making herself ready all week. It is the day that she and Loki are going to go before Thor's advisors. She has chosen her gown- one of her Grandmother's that has been recut for her. Light blue, with a midnight shawl, and sapphires braided into her hair.

When Loki arrives at her door to walk with her, he has to remind himself to keep breathing. He did not spend the past week rehearsing what he would say and laying out his clothes, deciding on what gems to have her father weave into his hair. He spent it organizing books, putting his desk in order, and writing a letter just in case things went horribly wrong and someone calls for his immediate execution. He dressed plainly, thinking that if he were to be dragged once again to the dungeons, at least he would be comfortable.

She practically skips into the hallway and takes his hand, "It will be such a relief to have this known. I do not think I care if they accept me or not at this point. Our friends love us, and that is what matters."

"Even that is brave, my dear."

"How are you feeling?"

"Incredibly nervous."

"It's OK, Uncle. I will be right here."

Her reassurances help a little and he smiles to her, "Thank you, love."

As they approach the throne room, Jenna feels the tremor in his hand. She loops her arm through his and walks a little closer.

"Keep walking. One step and then the other. We are almost there."


"I can feel you tremble."

"Oh. Yes. I cannot stop it, child. I am sorry. I wish I were brave like you are."

"You are. You are walking with me. And you keep moving, even though you are afraid. That is so incredibly brave."

He says nothing, but pats her arm and keeps walking to the advising chambers. It seems as though there is a room in the palace for everything, and he has never particularly liked this one. It generally reminds him of a prison, with high white walls painted with gold vines and a plain table. The guards admit them without question and they step in. It is unclear who is escorting who as they approach the table, Jenna nudging her uncle to keep walking.

Thor beams at them both, "Welcome, my family!"

Jenna looks for friendly faces, "Thank you."

"My advisors, this is my daughter, Jenna, of Asgard and of Midgard. Her mother was the scientist, Jane, who joined us here for many of the years of her long life."

Volstagg rises and claps twice, "Welcome, Jenna, princess of Asgard."

Fandral, Sif, and Hogun follow suit. The other four advisors stare, agape.

Jenna speaks clearly and loudly, "And I ask also that you welcome Loki Odinson, of Asgard and Jotunheim, adopted child of our esteemed late queen, the All-Mother, and the All-Father." Sif and the Three, as well as Thor, clap twice for him as well.

"Welcome back to the world of the nobility, Brother."

Loki nods. There is something off in the room. He can feel something- magic. Old magic shielding someone from view. And it has made him uneasy. He does not know where it is coming from, but it is far too familiar. Odin. And yet he is not within sight. There are hiding places throughout the entire palace, though, and there are many of them that Loki has never found.

Jenna gently tugs on his arm, "Come now, we must leave them to their meeting." They go quickly and retreat to Loki's chambers to his newly organized books. She selects a large volume, "Here. This one."

"These are faerie tales of Jotunheim."


"I have never read these to you before."

"I know. And now that you have claimed your heritage, I think it is time."

He gingerly takes the book, "I suppose it is." They settle on the couch and he opens it, "I may skip one or two that I find too disturbing."

"Please don't. I have heard some of the worst of our own stories. I can handle what other realms have written."

"Even if they condemn us?"


He gently opens the ancient book, brushing his fingers over the beautiful gilded pages, "Whatever you wish, my girl. But we may have to stop and talk about the stories as we read. They may be hard for both of us."

She hugs him and kisses his cheek, "Of course. But our secret is out, at least to a few. From here we can only move forward."

It is a reassurance to Loki that he is still alive, but he is still wary about the future. Jenna, however, is his peace. And for a moment, with the book at hand, he is calm.

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