chapter 3

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Selena's POV

We woke up to the banging on the metal doors that have kept us safe for 1 week now, Theresa and I cowered into the corner if the wall as the metal door finally gave in and fell to the floor. In walked the blond and the black black haired men, we immediately grabbed for the pellet guns but they were quicker and nocked them out of our reach. The blond reached down to grab me while the other grabbed Theresa before we even had a chance to struggle they injected something into our arms nocking us out cold.

When I woke up I was on a huge bed I think it was tripe king size, the room was like 3 t-buildings combined and very fancy in my opinion it was fit for a king. That thought made me wonder where I was, who could have afforded this? My thought were interrupted by a scream.

Wait a second I know that scream



I could hear the scared tone in her voice. I jumped out of bed and rushed to open the only to bump into the blond's back, I could see the same thing happen across the room with Theresa except she bumped into the guy with black hair. She locked around the guy and started pushing past him but he just pushed her back as if she were as light as a feather, I stood there in shock locking at the man in horror how could he do that, NOBODY does that to my sister and I mean N.O.B.O.D.Y. I was beyond pissed at this moment: 1. They kidnap me and Theresa , 2.nock us out, now they ate treating us like duty OH HELL NO!!!! THAT IS IT!! Faster than humanly possible I pushed through the blond, and ran straight toward the bi*ch that thinks he can push my sister like that and started punching and kicking with all my force when he started moaning in pain I stopped feeling satisfied with my work and rushed over to a shocked looking Theresa, I may have been the last of the quadruplets but I'm strong. I looked up to ask the blond, who seemed like the nicer guy of the two where we were only to see the empty room that I was in. I shrugged it of and helped Theresa up because if we were going to get out of this place it was now or never. We roamed the halls for hours and it appears to be 1. a mansion or 2. a castle. After about another 5 minutes of going in an endless circle we bumped into a guy with blue eyes and brown hair he looked to be in his late 30s and early 40s but what surprised us most of all was that he looked like a king, seriously with the crown and all. When he saw us his face light up like the 4th of July. Then as if on cue a lady who looked younger by a few years came running towards us like a thirsty herd of cattle towards the biggest lake visible, she had blond hair and brown sparkling eyes. Of course in the current situation that we were in we screamed and started running in the opposite direction only to bump into the black haired guy looking furious. When he saw us he immediately started dragging us back to our rooms, only he stopped dead in his tracks when their was a loud growling sound from behind and I swear if I didn't know there was only

us people here i would've sworn that a wild animal had been let loose it sounded, like it was a wolf.


 I hope that you enjoyed it of course, please tell me if there are any flaws so i can improve.Also please comment and vote.

Thanks for reading!!! Littlefeather Alphedase!!

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