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Adam's POV

I awoke on the floor of my fathers study with a pounding headache. There beside me lay my father and not more that five feet away my mother- both unconsious. I sat there dazed as I tried to recall yesterdays occurances. Then, a tidal wave of memories swept me away and i remembered. I rememebered my mate was gone. My gorgeous, beautiful angel, was gone. I had gone outside with the rest of the warriors in search of my mate. We had searched till 9:00 am until the stupid doctor had injected me with some sleeping medicine. How dare he! I had half a mind to nock the daylights out of him. My wolf growling his aproval. Then i remebered. They had found three girl in the duration that I was nocked out by that stupid doctor.

     Befor I ran out I acomodated both my parents on a couch so that they would be comfertable instead having to wake up on the hard floor. Then I rushed out the door and and headed for the 2nd floor where the guest rooms started. I searched every room and every floor till the fith floor and let me tell you something there were more than just two or three rooms per floor more like 20-25 guest room on just one floor. I was just leaving a room when I spotted into Luke, one of our top warriors and my cousin, leaning against the door rame waiting patiently for my excite. Which is more than I could say for myself seeing as I was gettig more frustrated by the second. It was now 8:00 pm and I didnt have a clue where those girls where.

     I was wearing a plain white t-shirt and some dark grey fadded jeans that hung low around my waist. My hair was a mess seeing as every five minutes I was running my hands through it in desperation and frustration. All in all I wasnt doing too well. I was hungry and tired but throughout my search I not once paused to even think about resting or eating. Luke on the other hand was wearing some black jeans and a white shirt that said "Muscles loading please wait..." And a loading bar that was 55% full. In his hands was a sandich and and bottle of coke. He handed me the coke bottle and said.

     "If your looking for the 3 girls that were found, which I know you are,they are upstairs, third hall, fourth door on the right. Good luck man."

     "Thanks Luke, I owe you one." I replied over my shoulder as I ran to the stairs around the corner taking them two at a time. When I got to the door there were two guards on either side of the door. Both nodded to me and let me through without so much as a word in protest. 

     Upon entrance I noticed three girls on a king sized bed. One was blonde and appeared around the age of 15. The other two were both brunett. One however had lighter hair than the other. They looked very much alike, the simalarities uncanny. And much to my utter disapointent neither of them was my mate. I would have felt the pull by now but nothing was there. I left the room disapointed and went back to my room to think over the past days event.

     I lay in my bed-something I have become more acuainted to these past few days- and just thought about my mate. My angel. I remembered every detail I could catch of ther that one time I saw her in the tree. Her seemingly pale, flawless skin. Her gorgeous voice. That beautiful voice of hers could calm a raging storm and bring peace and serenity to a kingdom that had been at war for years. It could melt a heart of ice and persuade a mountain to bow down to its every comand. Her hands and feet, her whole body. Agile. Bending with the wind. She is flawless. I cannot wait to hold her in my arms, smell her glorious scent and just be able to run my hands through her hair. 

     I ended up dozing off with the thought of my mate still clouding my thoughts when I was suddeny awoken by banging on my door. I growled lowly as i got up and jerked the door open to reveal a boy around the age of 15 standing there, panting.

     "Rouges..." The boy panted bowing his head. Panick suddenly flooded me as I realised that my mate was still out there and the rouge could get to her and torture her to get me. I growled in anger at these thoughts and rushed passed the boy toward the noryhern border.

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