Theres more???

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Chapter 4


I whipped my head around and saw the once happy face of the king now angered, the queen looked calm but her eyes screamed rage, they were both glarring at the guy with black hair. 


The king sounded like he was on the verge of loosing it.

"Take them to the rest ,without , and i repeat WITHOUT, hurting them in any way, shape, or form.  Then report to me with Gabriel, I have some things to tell you guys.

The king had considerably calmed down as well as the queen when they had come in contact with eachother.

"Come on"

Jarreld said grufly. He led us down thousands of hallways and passed hundreds of rooms, down a few flights of stairs until finally we had reached our destination. We were in front of  mahagony double doors where two buff loking guys like Jarreld stood.The only difrence between them and Jarreld was that they werent in all black, they were wearing casual clothing. The one on the right had brown hair and dark gray eyes, he was wearing blue jeans and a loose dark gray shirt shirt. The one on the left looked exactly the same as the other guy exept he had on a light grey shirt.

"Hey Luke, hows it going."

"Same old, same old. Do we have another one?"

The guy on the right answerd.


"Damn, I dont think we can afford any more after these two.Were almost full man, already got about 12 in here plus these two thats 14 and all the other rooms..."

Luke paused and shook his head.Just then what they had said fully sunk in, before any of them could continue their friendly little chat i interupted them.

"Wait theres more!, What is wrong with you phycopaths! Who goes aroung kidnappining kids!! Yall are seriously INSANE!!"

Only then did it seem like the two men realize Theresa and I and here. They looked us up and down making me feel VERRY uncomfertable,they then proceded and  give Jarreld a short good-bye.

"Hey im Luke and this is my brother Lucas''

Luke said pointing to the the guy on his left.

"Its nice to know the names of the two guys that will be helping our kidnappers"

I said and i know i was being rude but, hey they desrved it. Their the ones that are keping us hostage along  with who knows how many other kids.After that there was an akward silence thankfully interupted by Lucas, but what he said only made me mad.

"Hey umm, only one can go in, the other has to go to another room, umm, cause the max in each room is 13, we have 12...."

I almost lost it when he said that, I mean seriously I have no idea where my family is, or if theyre hurt. The only person that I have left is Theresa and there is no way that theyre gonna seperate us.

I screamed advancing on Lucas only to stop when Theresa  called me

"Selena! Dont, the only way were gonna get out of this if we do what they say"

"Ya, but the only way were gonna get out of this TOGETHER is if we stick TOGETHER''
I shot back but Theresa being Theresa had a reply to top mine

"But how are we go get out if we dont do what they say, they could shot us and there ya have it were together but were not out.Come on Selena you know im right"


Theresa and I turned to Luke and Lucas who had just wached our rant with amusement clear in their eyes and a smile plastered on their faces only for it to disapear when Theresa glared at them. Their faces were priceless, it was a mixture of: caution, fear, and surprise, wich made me burst out laughing earning a glare from both boys, to bad for them that only fueled my laugher and i ended up on the floor laughing so hard tears started to find their way to the surface and finally spilling out. When I was done laughig and wipping my tears away it was back to buisness.

"Selena, you stay here and ill go to the other room"
Theresa said with such determination that i nkew i wouldnt be able to change her mind so i just nodded my ok.

I wached in thought as Lucas lead Theresa down the hall to my right and after passing what looked to be about 5 rooms they stopped infront of another pair of gaurds, once Theresa enterd the room, Luke brought me out of my thoughts and said

"You guys are close arent you"

I just nodded, not in the mood of answering

"You know... your familys ok and you both will be fine"

"Then why...why kidnap us and seperate us from our family, we didnt do anything to you, we dont even know you yet you do all this crap and then say well be fine and that are familys are ok,why. Its not fair to me, my sisters , my brothers, my mom, my dad, the girls in every single room you have here and their familys!!!!!"

By the time i finished i knew i was close to tears and im pretty sure he did to  but i wouldnt let them spill.

"Its complicated, you wouldnt understand."

"How is it complicated? How would i not understand?"

I narrowed my eyes looking only at him and shook my head in disaproval and lost hope,by now i knew one more word utterd on my part would only lead to the waterworks.

He looked down and let out a deep sigh, then he said

"Just come on, you might understand latter on, but you must understand this its not my option, to take all these girls away from their homes and love ones, I didnt choose this but i promise you when its all over youll be able to return home and go back to your daily routine"

"How could you posibly think that after this everything would be back to normal, that everything would be fine? After this NOTHING will be fine, people will be scared that it will happen again and unless you have some machine to erase peoples memories,it will never be the same."

Then he just noded and said

"I understand"

He opend the door  but before  i procceded to go in i wisperd

"No, you dont understand,you will never understand"

Then i entered the room to meet the others, to meet my room mates, to meet those that had the same thing happen to them as i had to me.


So thats it the next chapter is going to be about....... nah i wont tell ya ill let you figure it out by redaing it.LOL so i hope this time its long enough and if not please tell me so that the next chapter can be longer.And as usual i hope you like,... not wait not like but luv it and please tell me how i can become better  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D anyway thats it for today


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