Schedule Setup

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Like a really long time while but while I was not updating (during the summer) I've made 4 chapters, some are semi-long, some aren't so semi-long. I would've had 5 chapters but I accidentally erased all if my chapter 9. Anyways here is chapter 5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 5: Schedule Setup-Kings POV 

(Dedicated to @BlackNana for the encouragement and comments, thanks a lot 😊😊😊)

When i saw Jarreld draging the two girls that looked scared sh*tless it made me more than pissed, and by the look on Emily's face she was thinking the same thing. 

After i gave my orders to Jarreld he left, escorting the two the girls to rooms that they would be staying in until the ball for my son,Adam.  

"Sir?" Jarreld said as he entered my office, Gabriell right behind him 

"Ah, Jarreld, Gabriell, sit we have verry important biusness to talk about. 

Once they sat we started the talk that was as important as us, ourselves. 

"As you know Adam will have his ball in exactly 1 weeks time. We need to get these girls prepared, after all one of them will become princess to a totally different life that can change everything." 

"Yes, we know sir, but there is a problem." Jarreld said 

I let out a tired sigh, because even though things were running smoothly there always has to be a bump in the road.  

Gabriell continued where Jarreld left off. 

"You see sir, the two girls we brought in, well they are sisters." 

" I am well aware of that Gabriell whats your point??"  

I said knowing he was on to something. After all he is one of the smartest wolfs and is probably the one who always sees the bumps in the road when everyone else is oblivious to them.  

"Well, they were verry close and put up quit the fight when we came for them. I actually think they put up the biggest fight out of all of the other girls." 

"Isnt that good?" I said 

" Well no sir not really, i mean what if the girl that is Adams mate is as attached to someone else, that cannot be in our world, as they are?" 

It took me awhile to digest what he just said but when it did I found myself saying,... 

" If so then there must be a reason theyre attached, for the moon godess does these thingsu for reason." 

"If you say so Jhon." Jarreld said witha big sigh. 

After that was setteld we started talking about how to prepare the girls and what freedom they were aloud. 

" Sir, you know the backyard that nobody ever uses and you were wondering what to do with?Jarreld questions 


" Maybe, we can let the girls out there, but of course only room by room. 

" Thats very clever, but since its right next to the woods it gives any one of the girls a chance to escape. What do we do about that?" I said  

"Well, we could guard the perimeter. Like post guards wherever you dont want them to pass." Gabriell said  

"Brilliant Gabriell, absolutely genious! " 

"Now all we have to worry about is how long each group gets freedom and when." I said whith a big sigh 

" Since there are 3 rooms maybe we should let each room out for 1-2 hours. Room A can be from 10:00am-12:00pm, room B from 1:00pm-3:00pm, and room C from 4:00pm-6:00pm."Jarreld said 

" Thats genious, brilliant Jarreld. I dont lnow what i would do without the two of you. 

We continued talking about the schedule and the activities that the girls would be aloud. At around 10:00pm we finished discussing the plan and everything was ship-shape.  

Before they left i told them to make 15 copies of the schedule for room-B and 32 schedules each for rooms-A&C, also to give a schedule to their pair of guards, and that i would take care of the rest. 

Room-B was the only with 13 girls,while rooms-A&C had 30 girls each. Since maintaining 73 girls in one room for one ball we decided that out if room-B only 5 girls would go to the ball and out of room-A&C only 10 girls would be able to go to the 1st ball. Therefor we would have at the most 3 balls so all the girls could meet the prince, my son, Adam, and he would definitely find his mate. 

The girls that go to ball #1&2 would be put into room-D, separate from the other girls who haven't. I told all the guards on duty and that would be on duty the plan. By the time I was able to go to sleep it was around 12:00 am of the next morning. 


Well that's all of chapter 5 I hope u like it and sorry again for the long wait. Please 


Thank you for reading😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

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