Before it all Begins

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Natalia's POV

Emerging from the shadows was a girl about 15 years old and two boys about 17-18. The boys were rubbing the back of their heads and grumbling incomprehensible curses no doubt at the girl who was simple standing between the two smiling as though she didn't just slap two older boys over their heads. But then again im sure they were close enough it wouldn't matter if she dumped a bucket of cold water on them in the middle of the night and painted pictures on their faces with a sharpie.

      "Oh suck it up  you two we have a lot of work to do" she said to the two with a playful scowl on her face. The girl had caramel like hair and dark brown eyes and about 5'5 maybe.

      "Fine" said the one to her right. He had dark brown hair that was kind of long but not girlishly long or ugly on him. He was about 5'11 with light brown eyes with a twinge of dark brown in them.

        The one on the girls left was about the same height as "righty" with redish hair and light blue eyes.

         "Well, im Cassidy and these two brick heads are Hector and Nathan." the girl said pointing to the boy on her right and then the left.  "Today, we will help you prepare for your possible future!" The girl said ini a cheery voice as though what was about to happen would be good meaning it probably wasn't.

           " Hey!" Hector said with A fake pained expression while he put a hand over his heart as though actually wounded by her words.

            "Do you see how long it took him to respond to the insult?!" Cassidy said in an exasperated voice as though they were hopeless.

     We got straight down to business as the waxed every single part of my body leaving me not only hairless but possibly skinless too. I then took a shower and they blow dried my hair giving me a plush robe to wrap around myself as they led me to the walk in closet. The doors were then flung open revealing every single possible type of dress from fancy to casual to slutty to formal.

     Nathan then charged into the massive closet followed by Hector and Cassidy. They then reappeared each holding a different type of dress. Nathan holding a deep purple dress that hosted a line of ruffle like pattern around the waist to the floor and silver sequins dotting he top. Hector with alight purple dress that had shiny straps and a shiny woven belt at the waist, but unlike Nathans it wasn't floor length, in fact the dress stopped just above the knees. Cassidy had a black dress in her hands that stopped mid-thigh and appeared to be tight but gorgeous and not slutty. The dress had diamonds at the bottom that made the dress sparkle.

      They all threw the dresses at me and ushered me into the changing room behind the runway thingy where I got changed and showed them how I looked in each dress to which they would give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down. In the end I ended up wearing the purple dress.

     I was then shoved into the seat in front of the vanity where they did my make-up and curled my hair a bit giving it a wavy looking effect. In all the finishing result was gorgeous. I didn't even recognize myself!

        After our farewells a woman about 20 came and took me to a dining room sort of area that was kind of a mixture between that and a ball room. I noticed every girl I had come with weres cattered and so, remembering what Ms. Flucker had said, I walked by the right side of the table until I spotted my name printed in fancy letters on a piece of fancy white paper marking my seat.

         I was seated across from a blonde that looked quite thrilled to be in this situation rather than boiling mad. A few minutes later the food was served by waiters who were very polite. After our dinner a man appeared  and announced, "His Highness, Prince Adam" and then appereda a drop dead gorgeous man who radiated power.

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