hot topic selena

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Queens POV

Ever since Selena and her sister first arrived I had thought them interesting. Not many of the girls put up the fight they did, well at least not the effort they put into it or the time.

  What especially got my attention was that Selena actually stood up to almost about every person she has meet in this place, especially to Jarred. Her teachers reports astounded me. Ms.Plucker said she could tell she had etiquette and class but would refuse to pay attention and did her best to ignore all the rules placed in class.

  Ms.Smith said that her leadership skills were great and that she could plan ahead of time to quickly dodge unexpected curve ball.  Ms.Pringle said that she was absolutely horrid at dance and didn't even try to improve, which made me laugh. Mr. John said that she was quick on her feet and loved to joke around. Mr. Brown said that her strategies were great and took everything and everyone into consideration. Ms.Davison said that no matter how hard she tried she just wouldn't participate in class. Mr. Charles said that she had great potential but often psyched herself out and Ms.Furgurson said that she was one of the nicest students she had and was great at her class but at points choose to forget everything she knew. Her guards, Luke and Lucas, said that she was laid back and had made friends quickly and cared for them too, she wasn't too pushy and helped out with everything.

  But what really set me over the edge about her was last night when we found her with Isabella asleep, and Isabella doesn't trust that easily. All next morning Selena was the hot topic at breakfast and all that Isabella could talk about. So I decided to do a bit of research on this girl.

   After lunch I quickly strode to my husbands office and when I opened the door he was not there, so I assumed that he was out for a run or in a conference. I went to his computer and quickly turned it on , after i logged on I was greeted with a bright screened picture of myself and him when we had first meet, a grinning duo. I quickly researched her, going through her confidential files and her public files.

  I found out that she was apart of a big family with 12 kids including her.  She attended Water Brook High and her grades were magnificent. Her friends consisted mainly of guys but there was the occasional girl here and there. There wasn't much about her that stood out, she seemed to be the average teenage girl. But there was one thing that bothered me, there was one confidential file that I couldn't get. I couldn't access it no matter how hard I tried.

   I called up Gabriel, one of our warriors that brought in Selena and her sister. There was knock at the office door minutes later.

  "Come in" I called and in entered Gabriel

"You called me Elizabeth" He said using my full name since he was one of my best friend since birth.

"Yes, can you do me a favor" I paused and when he nodded his ok I continued  "I need you to watch Selena Brooks for me"

"Like what kind of watch?" he asked raising an eyebrow

"Just watch her and report back at the end of the day"

"Mh hm and may I ask why" he said with a teasing grin and raised eyebrows

"Just shut up and go" I said with a smile

"Ooooooo, im gonna tell on you, you said a bad wooord!!"He said with a gasp as he ran out of the office followed by my laughs.

 My first born son, and soon to be king would be arriving in a couple of days now, so when I came out of the office everyone was preparing for the ball and running around like headless chicken.

Selenas POV

Ever since that night that Isabella  and I met ive noticed that a lot of people if not all have been watching me carefully and its kind of freaking me out me out especially since that dude Gabriel ,I think I think it was, started to follow me. I mean like what the fluffy penguins  is that!?

  Lately people have started to speed up the curriculum and our studies have become harder and everyone is stressing out because "the big day" is nearing.

1111111111111111-A couple days latter-1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

  Well today we have no classes , that of which I am thankful for.

I laid down on my bed and stuffed my face in the pillow with a groan as I thought about the past few days. The girls and I have been practicing our fighting skills and all of us have become better. Natalia has tried to get me to learn dance with her. Courtney has helped me with staying focus but at the end of each thing we always end up on the floor laughing our butts off with tears streaming down our face. Ashley has asked that I teach her how to detect a lie and Jasmine has taught me how to make a bomb. Well, not an actual bomb but a smoke bomb and a stink bomb.

     Isabella has dropped by often and we've played some games and got to know each other more. She's introduced me to her older sister, Sarah of 5, her older brother, Alex of 12  and her friends Robert, Kayla, and Mackenzie, all around her and her sisters age.

   The girls and I have decide that we were just gong to hang out today and play some video games. At around 7:00 we all decided to retire and go to bed but i just couldn't fall to sleep that night, it was like anticipation and adrenaline kept me up but I didn't know what they were the cause of . I just passed it off that I was just nervous abut what was to come and our planned escape that would be set into action in about 2 days.


Well yall this was just kind of a filler for the upcoming chapter I guess. I don't know,well ill update as soon as possible.

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