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Selena's POV

"Hello, my name is Ms.Pflucker. (FLU-CKER) and i am here to teach you guys, etiquette." She said as we all lines up against the wall next to the entrance.
The room was quite simple. A dark wooden bookshelf on the left wall with TONS of books in it. A simple,long table in the center of the room with about 15-20 foldable, black, metal chairs with a cushion on the seat on each side and one at each end of the table.
"Lets start off with me laying down the rules. First off i expect all 15 of you to be here at 7:30 on the dot." She paused and gave a pointed look at Luke and Lucas causing a groan to emanate from both of them and a light thump as they threw their head back in annoyance.
I snickered as they they both sent me playful glares.
"Second, there will be no interruptions. IF you have a question, you WILL raise your hand. Thirdly any disrespect will not be tolerated. That is all as of right now, but if i see need to add any more rules or adjust the ones already set then i will." I rolled my eyes at this and nudged Natalia on my right and mouthed
"Riiiiiight" we both then snickered gaining the attention of our oh so beloved teacher. She fixed us with a glare and we contained our laughter. But that still wasn't enough to keep a smile from playing on my lips, and i didn't try to stop it.
In our etiquette class we learned the "formal and refined way" of table manners.
Next we had Leadership skills.Our teacher, Ms. Smith, was tall-ish, around 5'8-5'9. She was kind of tan but still pale, red, curly hair put in a high ponny tail, grey eyes. And unlike Ms. Pflucker she was laid back and not so strict. mind you she still had rules and stuff bug i liked her way better.
She first taught us the importance of leadership. Then put us in groups in which we all would take turns leading someone on a "battlefield" with only our voice to command. If they stepped on a bean bag, they would die and you would be a horrible leader. Nah im kidding they would just have to start over with a new person directing them.
For third we had a Ms. Pringle teaching us dance. She had black hair put into a messy/quick bun on top of her head, a white muscle shirt and dark grey sweats. She seemed to be around her early 20's and had a nice and even, and natural tan.
She taught us some stretches and basic dance moves that even a toddler would be able to accomplish but sadly i couldn't. Its not that i didn't try or anything its just that i couldn't. I have two left feet so no mater what you do i still wouldn't be able to dance. Im quite hopeless actually when it comes to dance.
We then had our first guy teacher, i mean seriously i was starting to think that this place only had girls. it was kin of getting annoying. His name was Mr. John and he taught us OTS or in other words "On The Spot",which was basically making decisions under pressure.
He was kind of old maybe in his mid to late 50's and most likely the oldest teacher we were going to have. When we first met him i knew he was going to be the strict/silent teacher that was hard on us but cared. I could see it in his eyes and i felt it too, which was kind of strange.
He was really tan with few wrinkles and his black hair that had started to gray. He had green eyes that looked lost in the world.
He started of our lesson with telling us the importance if thinking under pressure. Then we were put in a box place thing that was made of glass and our surroundings started to fade. in stead of just being in a box a scenario of being robed with a loved one in danger. After that it was finally time for lunch! YAY !
After lunch, which was basically thirty minutes spent eating and the last thirty minutes spent mingling, we had FREE TIME!!!! They, meaning our guards, had "escorted" us out of the palace/castle thingy and OH. MY. GOD!!!! It was like heaven. It was sooo beautiful there were about 6-9 trees, a flower bed, a FOUNTAIN. Like a freakin FOUNTAIN!!! There was everything! They had swings, a se-saw, a concrete are were im assuming you could do things like jump-rope or whatever, they had a rack of different kinds of balls and other activities, a couple of skate boards. I was about to faint. I was the first to run out and drop to the ground and roll around. i know im weird. Soon everyone was running around laughing and smiling.
"Hey are you guys gonna stay or do you have to go?" I asked Luke and Lucas
"We can stay if you want us to" they both said with a shrug
"Great!" i said as i grabbed both of their hands and dragged them around reluctantly looking for the rest of the girls. Once everyone was set, we went to the rack of balls and i got out a soccer ball.
"Ok we separate ourselves into two teams. the two team captains will be Luke and Lucas. Oh and its indisputable.
" What, why do we have to be the team captains. thats not fair." Lucas wined.
"Actually yes it is, what would be unfair is that the two of you end up on the same team." Ashely retorted.
"Ok so lets start the team picking" i said
"Natalia" Lucas started
"Selena" luke
"Ok so lets start this game!" i said cheerfully
"Wait, what about Ashely?" Lucas asked
"Oh she had said that she wanted to be the referee" i said
"Yah although i find the game thrilling and i know very much know how to play, I dont want to get my shoes dirty and frankly i dont want to get anything else dirty." Ashely said
We played for a while 4-4 we were about to shot a goal making it 4-5 when it was time to go in.
After our "free time" we had Strategies with Mr. Brown. A tall man in his late 30's with light brown hair and blue eyes.
We were taught positioning if ever in an occasion were we had to plan an attack etc. I listened to him thinking i could use this for escaping. He had given us a piece of blank paper and scenario of someone being locked in a cell, guards on every floor and triple the amount guarding the person in the cell.We had to find a way to get the person out safely.
We are now in room A4 taking singing classes. Now, unlike dancing, i was good at singing, I've been told I'm a singing prodigy! But these people, these people cant know. I just, i cant tell them. So throughout the class period i refused to sing or even try to.
Our teacher, Ms.Davison, couldn't get me to sing no matter how hard she tried. She was a nice lady though, kind of pale with pumpkin brown eyes and black, curly hair. By the end of class i could tell that Ms. Davison was sad and that, in turn, made me sad which also made me confused for being sad because someone else was sad. So at the end of class i went to talk to Ms.Davison and apologized and said that i didn't feel comfortable singing in fear that people would make fun of me. Which wasn't exactly a lie but not exactly the truth.
After that we had P.E (physical education) with Mr. Charles. The room was SPECTACULAR! I mean they had an indoor track! WHO HAS AN INDOOR TRACK!?!?!?
Mr. Charles was a tall, tan man that had brown hair and black eyes.
After changing into some provided shorts and tank tops, we did some stretches, ran two miles, and then raced each other in some sprints
We ended up sweaty and out of breath in room in room B3. The teacher, Ms.Furgeson, was a cute old lady with sort, white hair.
She basically re-taught us English Language Arts
By the end of the day we were all exhausted and my feet felt just about ready to fall off. But the girls and i had previously agreed that i would teach them how to defend themselves if ever it necessary. So for about an hour we worked on fighting techniques, defense, offense, hand-to-hand combat, and using a weapon. Of course since we didn't have the actual weapon so we had to improvise with what we had. We got to sleep around 10:35 and boy when i hit that pillow i was out. My last thoughts was that my stay here was definitely not to be forgotten, i could feel it. I knew that something was going to happen but wether it be bad i good i didn't know. I had to get out of here and i had to help the others too.

I know its not that interesting of a chapter but ya i still hope that you liked it

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