The Enemmy and The Friends

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Chapter 8 Selena POV


When they were picking on a girl that seemed to be 13 years of age, I gathered all the courage I had and said the one thing I was sure I would latter on regret..... I walked up behind them and said in a brave, f*uck you, you don't scare me tone

"Hey HOE."

The only other 3 people in the room stopped, gasped, stared, then started whispering as Stephanie turned around slowly in that: oh no you f*ckin didn't, whoever said that will SURELY regret it.

I was glad that she went for the bait, meaning I was right.

She pulled her shades down. Witch I think are utterly unnecessary, like seriously if it was sunny I'd completely understand but seriously, inside we're its not bright at all??

"Who... are you calling a hoe?"Stephanie said in a voice that was like chalk scratching chalkboard. My ears were close to bleeding with just those words!!

" Bi*ch, you turned around!"

Jasmine, Courtney, Natalia, and Ashely were giggling and sniggering along with the rest of the girls in the room other than Stephanie's followers.

Stephanie was speechless, then wailed in that horribly annoying voice that made everyone flinch, even her followers!! Which made me crack up along with my other friends, we then proceeded to go to the auditorium to watch a movie.

After the movie we went to the game room and played "call of duty" for about an hour and a half then went to play the "wii" which I found out i was awesome in almost every game on the wii which is probably because I am very active, patient and calm yet very competitive and supportive.

By the time we finished it was 11:55 but I was just so exhausted and so the girls and i took a little nap since most of the day consisted of exercise and movement.

Ashely woke up before any of us and woke us all up when she came running and shrieking into the room.

"Oh sh*t Ash don't do that you almost gave me a hard attack!" I said

With a few agreements from the the others.

"Now what was the point of doing that other than to kill us?"Jasmine said.

"Well I heard news as I was going to get us some lunch since we slept through it..." She paused to take a few deep breathes, I'm assuming from the run.

"Aaand?" I asked curious as to where this was leading.

"Aaand, I think I found out why they kidnaped us." There was a collected gasp from all of us. I looked around and all our faces were an expression of surprise.

"Well what is their, oh, so, good reason for kidnapping us?" I heard Natalia. We all agreed and nodded our heads., now mad at them because to us there is never a good enough reason.

"Supposedly there is going to be this big 'ball' for some dude to find his 'soul mate'. Ashely said using hand quits on, ball and soul mate.

"Well all we have to so is be our normal self, you know uneducated type. It's not like we even know how to be their type of educated and sophisticated thingy." I said

"It's not as way as it sounds, their are rumors about how their going to give us classes on that type of stuff. They are also giving is free time OUTSIDE!! Isn't that cool."

"Really cool, maybe we might be able to make an escape or I could see Theresa?"

"Do we have to go to the ball thing??" Natalia said.

"No, supposedly only 5 lucky people get get to go."

"Total or from each room?"

I questioned

"Each room" Ash said

"Well then I think it's time to form a plan." Jasmine said mischievously 

"Oh, I'm good at mischief, and revenge!"i said----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well thats chapter 8 and it might take a while to do chapter 9 because i had it but it got erased, by me though:( :( :( ikr i really need to be more carefull. Anyways hope you still like the story so far,please commet and vote.

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