The start of an important day

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Ok so nobody commented on my last update when i asked for whose point if view you wanted, which is kind of upsetting because i didn't know how i could continue. Anyways so since nobody commented i jus decided to wing it and just go with the flow. I hope everybody had a great christmas!


Selena's POV

I woke up groggily this morning and upon looking out the window beside me i noticed it was still night. I jumped off my top bunk and looked at the little clock sitting on a small brown coffee table, bright red numbers flashed the numbers 3:26. No noise was heard in the room except for the occasional light snoring every now and then.

I walked passed all of the beds toward the door leading outside. I maneuvered my way through rooms, out doors, and hallways.

I finally managed to arrive to the living room and in one of the the egg-chairs sat Courtney with her head in her hand and hunched over. I slowly walked over to her and cautiously placed a hand on her shoulder. She jerked her head up and peered at me through her piercing blue eyes and i could see the dried up tears that had spilled and the pilling up in her eyes that had yet to be shed.

I immediately kneeled down and embraced her in a hug as she sobbed in my arms. I moved her over to the adjacent couch so that we could both comfortably sit down. After her tears had calmed, she looked up at me with blue eyes full if pain.

"Whats wrong Courtney, what happened?" I questioned in a quiet voice.

"Im scared, about whats going to happen to us. And i miss my family, i just want to go home." She said in a small voice.

I could truly feel her pain and sorrow and i understood exactly how she felt.

Memories were brought forward of my family along with her confession.

I sighed and confessed my fears as well. "I know, i know, but don't you worry about what is going to happen, because i will get you and the others out of this place even if it kills me."

We stayed like that for some time and after a while of Courtney coughing non stop for some time i asked her if everything was all right.

"Oh its nothing, i just have a sore thrroaght but thats about it."she had replied.

"Okay" I said unsurely "Well, we should get some rest now, we have a big day ahead of us. After all tomorrow we start our scheduled day remember."i said standing up and offering her my hand as guidance.

She stood and we both walked back to our dormitories in a comfortable silence.

Upon our arrival we bid each other a good night and climbed into bed. I stared out the by my head and gazed up at the stars letting them lull me back into a peaceful sleep that soon turned fretful and full of grief filled memories.

.............Later on in the morning...........

I was awoken,yet again, this morning but instead by hand shaking me awake and an unusually bright sunlight. .

I opened my eyes and nearly screamed my top off. jasmine was in my face staring at me with bright, smiling eye.

"Get up ya duffos,you have exactly..." she paused looked at her imaginary watch on her arm and said "... five minutes to take a shower, get dressed and eat breakfast."

I hi-tailed it out of my bed into the shower and and took a three minute shower, pausing to do a thirty second happy dance, while brushing my teeth, at my new shower record.

At four minutes i had taken care of all my necessities and was dressed wearing a nice fitting navy blue hoodie with white string adjustable thingies over a white tank top, dark blue skinny jeans that had a fashionable fade to them and navy blue flats and just decided to leave my hair down but grabbing a couple ponnies just incase i wanted to pin my hair up. i know what your thinking but hey i decided to go dark blue today.

I ran through the halls and into the kitchen grabbing a green apple. Lord knows that sour green apples were put on this earth for me to enjoy.

I had just finished my delectable apple when Ashely walked into the kitchen wearing a batman sweater, batman hat,short shorts and black flats.

"Come on its time to go" she said walking out as i threw the apple core away. I followed after her just in time to catch up to the group as they were leaving.

I walked up to Natalia,who was wearing black skinny jeans, a dark blue shirt that had hot pink flowers on it, and a black cardigan. Her hair was in a side fishtail and she wore little make up, maybe some mascara and lipgloss, but nothing else from what i could tell.

"Here ya go, one of the guards gave me your schedule since you weren't awake yet." she said. Handing me a white piece paper that read "SCHEDULE" in big, black, bold letters at the top.

Below it read, in this format.....


Period. From-To. Subject. Room.

1. 7:30-9:30. Etiquette. A21

2. 9:35-10:05. Leadership. B36

3. 10:10-11:10. Dance. D32

4. 11:10-12:00. OTS. T20

5. 12:00-1:00. Lunch. ------

6. 1:00-3:00. Free Time. ------

7. 3:05-5:00. Strategies. C10

8. 5:05-6:00. Song. A4

9. 6:05-7:00. P.E. C6

10. 7:05-8:45. E.L.A. B3

11. SLEEP TILL 7:00

" Hey can i see yours" i asked Natalia

" Ya sure" she said as she passed me hers. i looked at them an, the were the exact same except on hers it said Natalia in the name slot instead of Selena. I looked at Abby's, who was right next to me and saw that, yet again they were the exact same.

"Is everybody's the same?" i asked them which the replied with yeses and nod.

"Then why does everybody have one instead of just a huge one in the living room?" i asked. Their methods easily evading my comprehension, which was struggling to grasp the liquid concept that kept slipping with ease through my troubled fingers.

"No idea" Abby said.

"Guys, take my advice and be quiet" Natalie muttered under her breath as she motioned with a slight jerk of her head to the lady in front of the group, who was staring-or more like glaring-at us.

She had a light tan and wore slacks, a fancy red shirt with ruffles on the front of the collar, a fancy black half sweater and to complete her outfit she wore black heels with red as the sole color. She looked to be in her late twenties to her early thirties with pretty light brown, wavy, hair that was let loose to frame her face and came a little below her shoulders. Hazel eyes scanned the crowd searching for other kids who were taking.

Yep this might just be as bad school.

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