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**Sorry for any mistakes**

A wekk later


I mumble to Nba youngboy playing throughout the shop as i finished up a shoulder tat that i was doing on a client.

"So damn nigga you still ain't told Skylar ass that India yo ex and babymoms and that yall got a daughter together" Jabari asked me while he cleaned up his station.

"Nah man, you know how Skylar ass is, she gone go crazy onna nigga"

"As she should cause yo ass still ain't told her shit, believe me i know ha ass crazy and all but she ain't gone be crazy about this hea" Amir joined in on the conversation.

I mentally rolled my eyes knowing he was right.

Skylar was crazy but im the one in the wrong.

"Man how da fuck ima tell ha ass bout this shit though"

"Nigga grow some balls and say dat shit witcho chest, she got a right to react how she feel. Just tell ha bro and stop waiting da shit out" Amir spoke up.

"Igh man, i'll tell ha ass later on today"

"Good don't be like dickhead over there" Amir pointed at Bari who ass just smirked.

"What can i say nigga got da moves and bitches love dat shit"

"Man shut yo dumbass up, foe Heaven come bash all dat shit in" Amir laughed and i joined him.

"Man fuck both yo skinny asses" he flipped us off.


I held onto Parris hand with the food in my other walking into Aiden's fitness gym.

He was a workout trainer and owned a well known fitness gym.

"Heyy wassup India looking for boss man" Joe one of Aiden's workers asked coming up to me.

"Yea is he in his office"

"Mhm he doing some paper work i beileve. Wassup lil mama" he smiled at Parris who just blushed and hid her face behind me.

"Thanks Joe"

"Anytime India see ya later"

I smiled walking to Aiden's office giving it a knock.

"Come in" i heard him say.

I opened the door and quietly shut it.

"Oh shi wassup baby" he smiled coming over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"And wassup princess" he kneeled down smiling at Parris.

"My da call me princess too" Parris smiled at the mention of her dad.

I mentally face palmed my forehead cause Parris never sticks with the program.

"What she talking about baby" Aiden got up chuckling about it as we walked back to his desk sitting down.

"Oh um-don't lie either ma" he smirked not in a good way though.

I broke eye contact with him.

"She met her father last week...that's what she was talking about" i looked at my daughter who paid no mind to us as she played on her tablet and ate her food.

"Oh did she... and was you gone tell me all this"

"Oh umm i meant to tell you that night but i was so tired that it slipped my mind" I nervously smiled.

"Mhmm... i mean ain't this the same nigga that didn't even want her"

"Ye-yes but im tryna be the bigger person and a grown adult about this"

"Yea igh India, we'll talk later fasho"

"But c'mere baby how you doing ma i missed you" he smiled like he just switched to a whole different person

What the fuck....

I stood in front of him and he pulled me close to him by the waist.

"Im fine, me and Parris been out and about having mommy and daughter time. We finna go get our nails done when we leave here, how's work"

"Im send you money, and it going good.. got a new client in a hour"

"Oh no you know you don't have to send me money Aiden" i shook my head.

Don't get me wrong i loved money, but i just didn't want to feel like i would own him something back.

And he always over gives, so i just felt weird and awkward about receiving money .

"Ma you know i always take care of yall so stop playing and just take the money baby" he whispered kissing my lips making me smile.

Bitch it was like i was in a trance.

"Okay i guess" i smiled.

"Igh den, thanks for the food too baby, been starving all day"

I kissed ny teeth, " i told about dat shit Aiden"

"I know baby i just be in a rush in da morning, but i got you from now own" he kissed my lips.

"Mhm I'll believe it when i see it"

Thoughts on Aiden? Thanks for reading❤️!!

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Thoughts on Aiden? Thanks for reading❤️!!

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