Hi🫣 late night upload....let me just say i was literally trying to push through with these chapters yall😩 but thank God i got three done for you guys i just really hope yall enjoy the chapters🥲.
**Sorry for any mistakes**
The hot Las Vegas breeze blew over my face, pieces of hair getting stuck to my lip gloss.
I hate when that be happening, like why is you touching my lip gloss in the first place.
Like that was very bold of you.
"Mommy mommy look!" Parris yelled over the phone as we sat on facetime.
She showed me her bluey stuffed animal that my daddy got her.
"Now daddy why you get her that? She got like five of those already" i chuckled watching Parris gush over the toy.
"Well you know she gets whatever she wants when she with her pawpaw" he cheesed showing Parris running around.
"I don't know why she be calling me and every time she start doing other things" i playfully complained.
"She just burning some energy, im finna take her to the park inna minute. You having fun babygirl? Hit up any casinos yet?" He asked trying to switch the camera back to him.
"Yeaaaa daddy I've been having a good time so far and no casinos for me, i like having my money" i laughed out causing him to laugh with me.
"You scared that's all, but i get it. Aye now don't get too wild out there, vegas will chew you up and spit you out with two dollars and not even a change of underwear" he stated.
"Speaking from experience huh" i teased.
"Oh nawl babygirl, you know i win big every time I step in vegas" he chuckled.
"Anyways let me get up off this here phone and take little bit to the park so she can stop tearing shit up in my house" he sighed out looking a little stressed but still had that proud paw paw smile on his face.
"Uh uhn daddy not too much on my baby, she just miss you that's all"
"Yea and i miss my good looking furniture too" he joked.
"Mhm well okay daddy tell bug i love her and have fun!" I told him smiling at my phone.
"We love you too babygirl, be safe and come back in one piece" he said and hung up.
Sitting my phone down on the table i looked around the cute little lounge spot.
"Ivory this place is actually cute as hell, how'd you find It?"
"Girl tiktok, i literally go to tiktok to look for a lot a things" she said eating some of her food.
"Same same, the wind hitting me right now is giving movie vibes" Heaven added slowly shaking her hair from side to side acting like she was really in a movie.
"You play too damn much" i giggled.
"Mhm i might play too much, but so do you bestie boo" she smirked sipping on her long island tea.
She gave me a pointed look.
"Bitch puhleaseeee! I seen Judah's story from a little earlier today. He took you shopping while his girl was on a flight back to Houston" she cracked up.