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**sorry for any mistakes**


India and Parris strolled down the chip aisle of target, as Parris yapped away making India laugh every now and then.

"So whatcha telling me is that you had fun with your cousins the other day huh" India chuckled as her two year old eagerly shook her head yes.

"Well im glad you had fun baby, all mommy wants for you is to be happy toot" she told Parris and gave her forehead a kiss.

Scanning the numerous of chips on the racks she found the ones she was looking for, but instantly groaned when she seen they were on the top rack.

"Jump mommy!" Parris giggled, clapping her hands at her mom who was clearly struggling to get the bag of chips.

Before India could become frustrated and get annoyed, a taller presence was behind her grabbing the chips for her.

The unknown person stepped back, and handed the bag of chips to India.

"Here you go" his raspy but alluring deep voice spoke up sending shock waves through India's body.

Grabbing the chips, she finally met eyes with the stranger that had helped her.

Both of their hearts started to beat rapidly as they stared into each other's eyes.

Breaking eye contact with him India cleared her throat, "thank you for that" she looked back at him with her doe eyes.

"No problem..."

"India" she told him causing him to give her that mesmerizing smile of his.

"Harlem" he spoke, shamelessly raking his eyes all over her being, while India did the same.

He was a caramel skinned gorgeous man, full beard with 360 waves. His buff arms had tattoos scattered all over, which led up towards his neck. It made her wonder if he had some down below as well. He looked like the rough fine type, which wasn't normally the type she would cling to.

But it was something about Harlem that had her wanting to know more about him than just his name.

Same went for Harlem.

He couldn't take his eyes off of India and he wasn't a shame about it.

He's seen and had his fair share of beautiful women, but India was by far the most gorgeous one out of all of them.

Harlem knew he wasn't going to get those big doe eyes outta his head once they parted ways, and truth be told he didn't want to.

Her soft voice had him ready to get down on one knee.

"No problem India. I saw you were struggling with your pretty short self, so being the gentlemen that I am, I had to help. I hope that was okay" Harlem slightly smirked flirting a little hoping India would take the bait.

India started smiling, and rolled her eyes tossing the chips in the cart.

"Not you talked about my height and then called me pretty" she giggled shaking her head and looked back at him.

Harlem licked his lip, and ran his hand over his freshly trimmed beard that India wanted to grab on.

"Shii i mean you're gorgeous as fuck, but i ain't wanna come on too strong. Especially in front of little mama right here" he looked over at Parris who stared at him with the same doe eyes her mom had.

"Wassup pretty lady" he smiled down at Parris who gave him a shy smile, and looked at her mom.

He gave her another smile before giving his attention back to India who was mindlessly checking him out.

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