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Yall i be happy as hell when i see yall add my books to yall reading lists like yall really fw me🥲❤️

**Sorry for any mistakes**


Quickly slipping on a clean pair of Judah's boxers, i looked up and seen him just grinning at me.

I rolled my rolls scoffing "stop looking at me"

"Shii it ain't my fault yo ass just seduced me in the shower" he smirked shaking his head.

"Stupid, you the one that snuck into MY shower and couldn't keep yo dick from sliding into my pussy like grow up" i smiled to myself but covered it with a tight lip as i shoved one of his shirts over my head.

"Plus that's our final and last time fucking, im serious" i gave him a pointed look and picked up my clothes from last night.

Hearing him chuckle i scrunch my face up.

"That's what yo ass said last night the first time, then we fucked two more times plus this morning" he challenged me smirking as he also slipped on a shirt.

"Talm bout some 'oou Ju take some oouuttttt' ass was scared" he mocked me.


"Boy fuck you" i flipped him off snatching up my phone and purse with my clothes in my hand heading out the room.

"You already did ma" i could hear the humor in his voice as the door closed.

He get on my fucking nerves.

Walking into the lobby meeting up with everybody else i made sure i had my sunglasses on and ice coffee in my hand

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Walking into the lobby meeting up with everybody else i made sure i had my sunglasses on and ice coffee in my hand.

"Oh bitch why it look like you're doing the walk of shame?" Heaven grinned at me getting Ivory's attention too.

I rolled my eyes not saying anything.

"Oh yea he definitely rocked her world last night, and maybe this morning" Ivory chimed in grinning as well.

"Yall so nosey" I playfully rolled my eyes standing in front of them sipping on my coffee.

"Girl we not nosey, we just know yall nasty asses was getting in on last night, especially the way yall was dry humping on each other at that party last night" Ivory gave me a knowing look.

"Right, thought they was slick cause them lights was low and dim, but we saw everything bookie" Heaven teased me.

Thanked God for my dark skin cause my ass was blushing like crazy.

"It was a one time thing and the shit is never ever happening again" i told them keeping it cute and short.

"Mhmmm and does he know that" Heaven asked with a raised eyebrow.

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