Kira did some stretching while she kept her eye on Aiden.
"Oh shit Kira whatchu doing here?" She heard her sisters boyfriend say from behind her.
Kira rolled her eyes before meeting him face to face.
"Ew its you Jarod" she sassed putting her hand on her hip.
"What is you even doing here" she pressed on.
"Girl i train here the real question is what yo non athletic ass doing here? I aint neva seen you do any type of exercise" Jarod cracked up slapping his knee.
Kira mugged him in annoyance.
"I swear ion like yo ass"
"Trust me the feeling is mutual" he barked back.
"Anyways have fun or whatever, bye long neck" he teased her walking away full of laughter.
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"Aye yo wassup bro how you feeling?" Aiden dapped up Jarod.
"Shii in feelin good, ready for this match next week"
"Hell yea me too, this finna be the fight of the year man and the money looking real nice bro we gotta bag this one"
"Mannn who you tellin, Kiyanna ass already talm bout all da shit she finna buy with my money" Jarod joked as the two conversated some more.
"How you and ole girl been?" Jarod asked as he started putting his training gear on.
Aiden instantly smiled thinking about India
"Ah hell she got yo ass whipped my boy" Jarod teased his friend.
"I know man but ion care. Anyways we doing good I can't complain bro"
"Thats good man im happy for ya" Jarod dapped him up
"Ion know if i told you or not but india baby daddy in Parris life now" Aiden frowned at the sentence he just said.
"Damn, it be like that. Niggas come outta they deadbeat phase wanting to be daddy of the year and shit. But ik lil mama loves you bro she can have two father figures in ha life"
Aiden sighed heavily scratching the back of his head.
"Mannnn i know but that shit still gone get to me. How can this nigga just pop up and claim being ha father figure and his ain't want shit to do with her. Ion know man the shit is just blowing me. And the fact that India was so easily persuaded into the shit makes me side eye ha a little bit too" Aiden vented to his friend.
"Bro have you ever thought about or even asked India about the whole thing and how she felt. Im pretty sure the decision wasn't that easy man, so just chill out man igh?"
Aiden smacked his lips a little "yea igh bro i gotchu"
"But i mean still keep yo eye on dat nigga cause he could be mr. Steal yo girl or some shit" Jarod joked around making Aiden slap him upside the head.
"Whatever bring yo weak ass on we got work to do"
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Kira stood in the mirror taking pictures of herself.
"Good workout bro see tomorrow same time" she heard Aiden's voice traveling near her.
"Yup like clock work see ya bro"
The two said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.
Kira watched Aiden walk down the hall most likely to his office. She quickly checked herself in the mirror making sure she looked good before she approached him.
Observing her surroundings making sure nobody was looking at her, she quietly walked down the hall towards his office. The closer she got to his office the more she could hear a females voice from inside his office.
"If you gone be sneaky why you ain't close the door all the way" Kira mumbled to herself as she watched the two through the ajared door.
To her surprise they didn't even notice her watching them.
Kira quickly took her phone out so she could take pictures and videos.
"Aiden come on you have to tell her like tonight" the female whispered yelled at him.
"Okok i will damn, you getting whatchu want so stop pressing me about it... now how my baby doing" he whispered rubbing his hands on the unknown female's small but noticeable baby bump.
"Oh bitch the tea is too hot! Who knew Mr. Faithful would have a baby on the way and not by his girl" Kira lowly said to herself making sure they couldn't hear her.
"He's doing good, i have bad heartburn though"
Aiden kneeled down and kissed the baby bump a couple times and stood back up.
While they was going on Kira was having a field day snapping pics and taking videos of the scandal right in front of her.
"Good good, you haven't told yo husband right?" Aiden asked lowly.
"And not she marrieddddddd!!! yea this is too good. Damn i kinda feel bad for India though" Kira said quickly running away from the door being sure not to make a sound.
She quickly walked outta the gym and into her car wasting no time dialing Skylar's number.
"Hey girl wasu-bitchhhhhhh you won't believe the muthafuckin tea i just got on Aiden girl, im on da way to you right now!!" Kira slightly yelled over the phone hanging up afterwards.
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To the bin NOWWWW😂😂 cause Aiden baby thats nasty work right there lmaoo. As always thanks for reading❤️!!