**Sorry for any mistakes**~𝘐𝘕𝘋𝘐𝘈 𝘗𝘈𝘚𝘚𝘐𝘖𝘕 𝘎𝘙𝘖𝘝𝘌𝘚~
Softly dragging my hands down my denim dress, smiling at myself in the mirror.
At first we were going to this lounge spot but, Nyla ended up canceling on us last minute and me and Heaven wasn't really feeling the lounge scene no more so we decided on going to that new popular strip club downtown.
This was gonna be my first time at a strip club and i was too excited.
I turned around and looked at Parris, "mommy look pretty right toot" i asked her posing a little.
"Yes, mommy pwetttyyyyy" she sung trying to give me a little thumbs up.
The cutest little thing i swear
Hearing a hard knock from the front i looked at the time on phone seeing it was time for Judah to come get Parris for the night.
"Okay baby ya daddy here put on y- dadddyyyyyyyyy!!!" Parris squealed cutting me off making me laugh cause why is you acting like that about that mannnn
Like be so for real daughter
She ran out the room and towards the front door waiting for me to open it.
"I swear you be acting so hollywood and brand new when you around yo daddy" i grinned shaking my head in disbelief.
He really got my baby acting like he the favorite when its supposed to be me.
Looking through the peephole to make sure it was Judah i swiftly unlocked the door and opened it revealing Judah in a pair of grey sweats, black fitted tee with nike slides and a single tennis chain.
Even a blind person could see how fine Judah was.
But i wasn't tryna be onnat type of time with him...........seriously...
I really just wanted us to get along well so we can have this co-parenting thing down, for Parris sake.
She adores him and ion want anything to mess that up.
"Dadddyyyyy" Parris shouted with excitement running into his arms.
"Heyyy princess you missed me huh" he asked her hugging her back.
"Yes!" She smiled looking at her daddy with adoring eyes.
Nah i can't lie, this was cute
"Mhm i missed you too babygirl, we finna have so much fun" he kissed her cheeks with a big ole grin creeping on his face.
"Yayyyyy! Look da mommy Pwertyy right!!"
This lil girl here.
Im convinced she's smarter then what she leads on.
Like why is you being messy boots at 3 years old!!!
"Yea she look igh, not as pretty as you doe" he smirked looking at me.
Bitch ass
"You get on my nerves, but okay baby Mommy see you tomorrow kisses" i puckered my lips giving her a little peck and then i kissed her cheeks.
"Have fun but not too much, ion wanna get a call from the jailhouse tonight" Judah joked making me flip him off.
"Boy fuck you, bye baby" i blew a kiss to Parris who blew one back.
"Bye mommy"
"Nah for real doe you look beautiful mamas enjoy yaself igh" Judah complimented me which i gave him soft smile nodding..