Leaning back on my couch, i took three puffs from the blunt and passed it to Amir.
"So damn she finally friendzoned yo ass huh?" Amir asked me pulling from the blunt.
"Hell yea, can't even lie shit was hurting a nigga. Hell still do" i confessed and rubbing my waves as i thought about the conversation me and india had the other night over dinner.
"Bout time" Amir finally spoke up making me look at him.
"Nigga you was counting on her to reject my ass?" i sat up some with a smirk on my face.
He started chuckling as the smoke came outta his nose.
"Hell yea nigga. You is not the nigga India needed in her life in that way, and you and i both know that" he started to say passing the blunt back to me as i sat back.
I looked at the blunt in my hand, and couldn't help but agree with him.
As much as i wanted to be the nigga for India, i knew it wasn't meant to be for real.
After all i was the first one to cause Passion's pain.
Bringing the blunt to my lips and pulling from it, i sat there in silence.
"India deserves a nigga that's gone love her unconditional, show her what real love is in this world and im sorry bro but that ain't yo ass" Amir stated.
"Your girl coming but it ain't India. And i should slap the taste out yo mouth for even thinking that shit nigga" Amir joked causing us both to laugh.
Nigga always tryna be wise and shit.
But no matter how i felt i always listened to him.
"I know bro, i think i was just tryna make up for how i treated her when i found out she was pregnant with babygirl" i vented sighing at the revelation.
"And that's where you fucked up bro. She didn't need you to try and fix the past. Nor did she want you to be her captain save a hoe. Remember India was doing well off before she saw you that day. All she wanted was for you to be serious about being in babygirl life not her's" Amir preached to me grabbing the blunt and taking a puff.
I sat there taking is his words.
Once again he was right.
I was so stuck on trying to fix the past when, i need to be worried about the present and making sure i was serious about babygirl.
I let my feelings get mixed in, and i started to feel like i could save India from all the pain she was going through.
"Ima dumbass" i sat up rubbing my hands down my face in distress.
"Yup you a dumbass alright, im glad you finally realized that fam" Amir held his fist out trying to give me dap.
Grinning i dapped him up and started laughing at his boldness.
"I get you wanting to be there for her, but you was tryna be more then what she needed. So take this L and enjoy having a cool ass babymoms and an adorable daughter. Just enjoy life man, cause India will" Amir nodded his head as he finished off the blunt.
Again i just sat there in my head, taking in everything me and Amir just talked about.
I really was just grateful to be in India and Parris lives.
They didn't know it, but they kept me sane when i wanted to do something stupid.
"Nigga enough about me, whatchu been on? Talked to Nyla at all?" I patted my pockets feeling for my phone.
"Hell nah. I mean shawt been trynna get in contact with me, but i decline that shit every time. I meant what i said back in Vegas when i told her that im good off her"
I watched Amir played with his chin hair, taking a beat before he continued talking.
"We can't come back from the shit she did, and ion wanna be with nobody who could easily do some shit like that with no remorse or how i would feel"
I nodded head in agreement, "nah i feel you on that especially since yall asses was basically married without the ring or license" i joked.
"Hell yea, but that shit all over with now. Im just chilling now" Amir shrugged grabbing the gatorade bottle from the coffee table in front of us.
"Shit what about Ivory, i know you feeling ha ass a little bit" i nudged his shoulder grinning.
His ass couldn't lie cause everywhere i looked he was talking or texting Ivory.
"Nahhhh im cool on that too. We just friends bro and im dead ass about that. Ivory fine as hell but that's not all i see about her. I rather we be friends and get to know each other before i jump into another situation with somebody else"
"Nyla really fucked me up in the love department, and i know im not ready to give my love and heart to another right now. Hell maybe not for a long while, and im okay with that" Amir blew out a breath and chugged the rest of the gatorade.
"Nah i get it bro, im glad you not like my dumbass. We some single muthafuckas now ain't" i cheesed, and he cracked a smile.
"Shit weird as fuck though, but hell yea" he grabbed the PS5 controller and handed me one.
"Come on nigga and get yo ass beat in madden" he teased turning the game on.
I smacked my lips snatching the controller from him.
"Nah nigga you finna get yo ass whopped. I take madden serious bitch" i laughed scooting to the edge of the couch.
"Yea yea whatever nigga, just play" Amir chuckled.
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This was a shorter chapter🥲 but sadly this next chapter will be the last😅.............as always thanks for reading❤️!!