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**Sorry for any mistakes**


Rolling my eyes for the thousandth time today i sat there on the patio swing scrolling on my phone listening to my sisters gossip and brag about their delusional perfect little lives, and my momma just eating it up like a little kid.

Hearing cheers and excitement i looked up seeing my mother was hugging my sister Teyana.

Scrunching my eyebrows up in confusion.

"Dang India you can at least fake your excitement for me" Teyana scoffed.

Wow what the fuck


"Oh wow you weren't even listening... typical" she scoffed once more sitting down.

"Teyana don't start with me" i warned shaking my head

"Come on girls don't start, not today please" Momma beg rubbing my sister shoulder tryna come her down.

"I said i was pregnant and you could careless with your face showing how you felt" Teyana announced

"Yea India your face was a bit rude, you know this is a big deal for Teyana" Kirsten my other sister said her two cents.

I squinted my eyes at her not liking this animosity i was getting from them.

"Well i didn't hear her at first Kirsten, but congrats Tey im happy for you and Dion" i smiled at my sister.

Teyanna gave me a fake smile.

Fake ass

"Thanks India... anyways ma im sooo excited me and Dion. He done already told his family and they were excited too. I can't wait to meet my baby" Teyana rubbed her small pudge.

"Ima be auntie" Kirsten squealed excitedly holding Teyana hands making me scoff loudly.

"Something you wanna get off ya chest Passion?"

I narrowed my eyes at Teyana

"Its funny how Kirsten can say something so crazy like that when she's already a auntie, oh wait you can't bother to see my child, let alone let her see her cousins"

"All because i got pregnant young and i wasn't married" i bitterly laughed.

"That's not true India, i do see my niece" Kirsten protested.

"Bitch no you don't" i slightly yelled.

"Uh uhn watch yo mouth in my house India and yall caught this out" Momma intervened.

"Sorry ma but i refuse to sit here and let Kirsten get away with that, at least Teyana sends stuff for Parris but you don't do a damn thing for my daughter. And yet i always make sure your kids are good" i chuckled.

"Oh India please don't start tha- no Kirsten you don't start with me" i cut her off glaring at her.

"Ok yall come on calm down" Tey laughed nervously trying to diffuse the situation.

"No Tey, its not our fault that your deadbeat ass babydaddy could careless less about you or that baby" Kirsten mugged me.

This bitch here

"And its not our fault that he continue to stay with a nigga that continues to cheat on you and manipulates you into coming back every time"

"Okay girls come on now just st- India stop playing like i won't beat your ass. Don't ever speak on the father of my kids and my husband hell wrong with you" Kirsten stood up making me stand up as well.

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