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**Sorry for any mistakes**



*Couple days later*

I sighed again getting India's voicemail for the tenth time today.

Ion know what she was on but she ain't picking up calls or answering at all.

Im supposed to be getting little mama today, but India hasn't communicated with my since monday night and that was three days ago.

"She still aint picking up bro?" Amir asked as we was all sitting in his living room watching some show Nyla trynna put us on.

"Man nah....and the dhit pissing me off. I let it slide for them two days but today im supposed to get my baby and she still and contacted me"

"Here lemme see if she gone answer my call" Nyla smacked on her popcorn.

"Grease ass hands and face" Amir teased her.

"Amir don't start!" She pointed at him.

"My bad baby you right" he chuckled kissing her cheek.

"You niggas make me sick to my ass" Bari grimaced hold his stomach.

"You mean sick to yo stomach nigga?" Amir asked chuckling.

"Hell i meant ass cause that how sick you niggas make me when yall be doing all that lovey dovey shit around me just nasty" he faked sick.

"Nigga grow up" Nyla threw popcorn at him.

"Bitch im not yo pet monkey throwing food at me so i can eat it" he bucked at her but still at the popcorn.

"Oh but i see you ate the popcorn though" she smirked.

"Mannnn chill out i was just hungry" he defended himself.

"Mhmmm, anyways Judah she didn't answer my call either" Nyla frowned looking at the call go straight to voice mail.

I let out a frustrated groan, fuck was she doing man.

"Look bro you prolly need to go around ha place and see whats up... im pretty sure its a reason she ain't picking up man" Amir chimed in.

"Yea i think so too, but don't go over all in yo feelings and demanding things Judah.... Just hear her out and see wassup. After the past couple of months of knowing her ion think she would being ignoring you for no reason especially me, cause she like me wayyyy more than she likes you" Nyla stated chewing all her popcorn.

I straightfacef her at her last comment.

She held ha hands up in defense, "whattttt it the truth, don't get jealous cause she likes me more than you" she joked looking at the tv.

"Come on Ny, you see this man going through it right now" Amir grinned.

"Mannnn fuck boff yall asses, but yall right i think ima just pull up at ha spot and see what da deal is" i stood up from the couch grabbing my keyes and phone.

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