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Wooyoung and San are the friendship everyone would crave for. They're so sweet and funny together, even their parents thought they were dating but they weren't. (Yet.)

They worked part-time jobs and would always hang out when their shifts ended. Wooyoung would always text san how good he was and just wanted some compliments from him.

Their friendship was something else and they would always be there for eachother even though one of them has/had a girlfriend. (It was impossible for Wooyoung to have a girlfriend since he's gay)

San was bisexual at the time and didn't want to make it official since he was too scared of his co-workers or friends might bully him .

They were really close even Wooyoung's parents thought he had found a new boyfriend after that bitch Soojin dumped him even though Wooyoung loved him and was loyal to him.

Other than being friends with San he also has other friends . Yeosang , Yunho and Seonghwa was also his bestfriend (but not as close as woosan here.)

San also has other friends. Hongjoong , Jongho and Mingi is his yk what they call? Circle ig-?

Anyways let's start the story now!! ↓↓


Wooyoung woke up early to go to work since he took a morning shift . He washed up and get dressed after that. He didn't know what to eat since there's too many ingredients in the fridge. So he just cooked his breakfast instead and wow , looks good and smells great to eat.

After he was done eating he opened his phone for a moment since there were too many notification came up. His phone couldn't stop vibrating.



Oh hey, how are you?

Not good , i miss u :(

Well i took morning shift today ,
just come to my workplace if u miss me
that much.

Aight, im going .

Then, see you later <3



' he's so sweet , I'm worried.. ' Wooyoung thought as he gay panicked over his best friend.

He packed up his important things and went to his car . He drove all the way to his workplace also finding San who was already there before him.

He parked his car and got out of it , he walked straight to San and hugged him.
"How did you even know where's my workplace is? " He asked .

"I don't know-" San said jokingly. Wooyoung ignored it and went inside . He got the job as a cashier and San didn't know what to do since he didn't work there.

And as Wooyoung was doing his job San was wandering around to look at the stuff there. He was bored and kinda wanted Wooyoung's attention but he's working so he can't bother him.

After wandering for some time he found a sitting spot and sat there until Wooyoung's job finished.

No one noticed him since the spot was kinda hidden and it was actually comfy to sit. He didn't know where he was but attended to just ignore it.

Wooyoung finished his job and went to search for San because he knows that San would easily go missing . He searched all around the store and even outside of the store , he was getting worried.

' Where is he? ..' he thought.

San ended up sleeping at the comfortable spot he found and didnt know he wasted his time too much .

He woke up and was finding Wooyoung everywhere , when they found eachother Wooyoung scolded him for wandering away without telling him.

San looked like a sad cat being scolded by it's owner. His face was so cute and Wooyoung couldn't get too mad since he was pouty and all like that.

Wooyoung hugged him and said "please , don't get yourself missing again." In a slow tune. San was happy he said that and he nodded as sign for a yes. They made eye contact with each other and it was awkward but they both laughed it off and started to say goodbye and all since it was getting dark already.

Wooyoung drove right away after those goodbyes section and didn't even bother to stop anywhere to buy anything since he's too tired and lazy.

He arrived and was stunned . There's a car parked at the big garage . Turns out that it was actually his parent's car but he asked himself. ' they never told me that they're back-? ' .

He parked next to his parents car and got off . He went inside and saw his mother , he ran to his mother to give her a hug . It has been a long time, very long time.

"You didn't tell me you're coming . If you do i'd cook something right away! " He whines.

" We wanted to suprise you! Turn out you weren't home so the planned didn't worked oh and how can you forget to even lock the door? " She said jokingly.

Wooyoung was shocked and actually took the joke seriously. " I DID ?!" He shouted but not too loud. "No darling , it was just a joke."

Wooyoung sigh in relieve. "Mom~ i thought I didn't.. you made me look bad for a sec." He said as his mother laughed. They were a great family .


San drove away straight to home too. His mood changes everytime he went home.

He got in and said " mom.. I'm home.." with a slow tune but his mother could hear him .
His mother ignored him and he went upstairs to his room . His brother , Seonghwa greeted him with a "hey" and asked how is he.

"I'm fine..at least i think i do." San responded .

"You're always like this San.. can't you atleast cheer up at home?" Seonghwa said . Obviously San wouldn't want to hear him since the only thing that's disturbing him was Seonghwa being the favorite child and he gets to be the one who often gets ignored by both of his parents.

Seonghwa was sad that San wouldn't tell a single thing about himself even though they're brothers. Seonghwa was this kind of person who focused on studying and always gets straight A's without even trying.

San? Mostly the opposite but actually graduated because he's not that "dumb" at exams.

They don't hate eachother but he hated the fact that actually their parents dots on Seonghwa and he was mostly forgotten.

He grabbed his pillow and cover his face , ignoring the fact the seonghwa is there. Seonghwa didn't seem to mind and lay beside him. " You know.. being mom's favorite was the worse. You can't have a fail on the test.. and im slowly turning down.." Seonghwa said.

"What does that have to do with me ?" San asked. "Maybe you could help me? And i'll help you ." Seonghwa said . " I already finished school I don't need any help but fine i'll help you ." San said while covering his face with his pillow.

Seonghwa was super excited since it was the first time in the year San is helping him again.

A/N : ik this is kinda short but i did tried my best. Thank you for the one who reads my stories 🫶🏻

Love y'all ~

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