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hello fellow readers , I'm ryii the writer of this story and the newest news here is I'm going on a hiatus .

i had a problem with writing stories and I'm going to fix that later , I'm also going back to school and i might take a long time to concentrate on a few things .

I won't be gone for long , just 1 month is enough and please respect my whole over situation and actions . I'm so sorry if i have ever replied or treated y'all badly and pls forgive me for that!.

Thanks to the readers and I can't believe we reached 4.04K readers already! It took me so long to actually gather the courage to write this whole story and thanks to the support I've been gaining a lot of nice comments and likes. Thank you so much for treating me like a real person.

I know I don't really have the right to actually go on a hiatus but I'm really busy this month following all of the days until april. I'll announce y'all when I come back.

i also had a problem with my laptop and phone so I'm planning to buy a new one. I can't publish parts fast since i had problems with both of my gadgets , thanks for understanding and still here with me until whenever.

if you guys want to see me active a bit then you guys can follow my tiktok.

@svt_lvatz / ryii_

and again , thankyou so much and i appreciate you guys! love y'all!!

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