🔞 07

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Mingi is another bully who has followed Hongjoong since they were close since middle school. Hongjoong saved him from getting bullied by some seniors and immediately became friends .

Both of them were gay at that time so it made sense why Mingi would want to be friends with Hongjoong. Both of them always hangout with each other , the more they get close the more Mingi feels a connection.

Unfortunately Hongjoong liked someone else at that time so Mingi kept on quiet and didn't tell anybody about it even Yunho. He and Yunho were also close . More closer than him and Hongjoong. The difference is that both Mingi and Yunho went to a different school so it's hard to meet each other.

Yunho , who has had a crush on Mingi ever since day 1 but didn't mention a single thing to anyone. He thought that it would be better if he just shut him up and he did. They went to the same high school but in a different class. They often see each other but both of the boys didn't want to talk .

Hongjoong , who had to ruin the friendship. Was also in the same school as mingi . in that meantime both of them met Jongho. It made Mingi jealous since Hongjoong was babying him more than Mingi. Since Jongho was a junior Hongjoong couldn't help but to keep him safe in his place so no one would bully him.

Mingi thought that Jongho might've liked Hongjoong since they were too close at that time. Mingi lost hope , so he came back to his senses and wanted to change himself. He was gay but he changed immediately straight after that incident.

Hongjoong who was already straight at that time and already made it official that he is straight. Eventually Mingi hated the fact that he was. So he changed.

But ever since Yunho always hung out with him it made Mingi realize that he himself liked Yunho. He can't help but to admire how cute yunho is and he couldn't deny that he did caught feelings for him.

he wanted to make sure of his own feelings til he cried too much for his own best friend. He thought that Yunho would just ditch him and never talk to him again . He was scared something might happen with their friendship.

From day 1 Mingi obeyed Yunho whatever he told him to do. They usually do skinships, head bumps and kissing each other's cheek . And both of them thought it was normal too .

Mingi who was suffering with his feelings while Yunho who never really care about feelings. Once he fell in love with a boy , he'd date him or flirt with him .

Mingi was scared that people wont accept who he is so he hid it from Hongjoong, Jongho and San. Even though he knew all of them are the kind who accept each other except for.. Hongjoong.

One day, Yunho asked him to hang out with . Normally they would do that at the weekend but after school? Mingi thought it was something serious so went with it. Yunho took him to a very unfamiliar place where there was no one but them .

" Mingi-ah , let's call this the place only we know. " Yunho said while staring at the beautiful sky . Mingi just nodded but this time he blushed . " w-well why did you bring me here ? " Mingi questioned him.

" I was waiting for that question!" Yunho said. He held Mingi's hand and made an eye contact with him. Mingi blushed, Hard.
" Mingi.. I've noticed the way you do what i told you and I've been confused. A lot of times. Sometimes i really want you to realize how much I've liked you from the start. Honestly you're cute , kind and such a  loyal friend who'd do anything to keep the friendship tougher. So... Song Mingi.. Please be mine , only mine." Yunho confessed

Mingi this time cried . Tears falling down his cheeks non-stop. He was really scared of what will happen next but he couldn't control himself. He hugged Yunho , tightly .
" I'm forever yours , Jeong Yunho. " Mingi said , accepting it. Yunho has waited for years but Mingi who just realized himself falling for his own best friend not so long ago.

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