04 (fixed)

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Wooyoung didn't want to go home so he went for a ride only. He wanted to stay later since it was still early . He checked his phone after parking his car in front of a lake .

It was 8 pm and he didn't notice that it was too early to go home. Plus even if he went home he'll be lonely since he was the only one living there.

He sat by the lake and he took many pictures of it. It was very beautiful, he wanted to clear his mind since he kept on remembering his ex , Soojin .

They had sweet memories and one worst nightmare. Soojin had to break up with him since his father won't let him be with Wooyoung. They were sweet with each other. The princess treatment he got from Soojin was unforgettable.

Until one day they met again , Soojin told him I've found a new one .. please don't wait for me. He made it sound harsh and just like that Wooyoung was dumped by him . He wanted to get revenge but also thought that it wasn't Soojin's fault. It was his since he trusted him . He truly blamed himself til today.


He was craving tteobokki so he went to a place where he and Soojin used to hang out as a couple. He missed him. Too much.

As he went in the store he ordered the usual menu he used to order a long time ago. It was his favorite place.

" One spicy tteobokki and a soju please .." he ordered. " You sound familiar..? Are you Wooyoung? " the waiter asked him . They used to often go to that place evertime on their date. He faked his smile and said " yeah.. it's me. " The waiter smiled like a sunshine and hugged him . " Oh god i missed you , where have you been? Where's Soojin? He usually go here with you? " He muttered.

Wooyoung felt disturbed and almost cried by those words. He hated that people was still bringing about him and his ex. "Please don't talk about him .." he said while turning his head down. " Something bad happened? " He questioned. Wooyoung nodded and the waiter hugged him again. "Don't worry , i feel you " he said before getting back to work .

Wooyoung leaned his back and closed his eyes. ' i hate this feelings..' he thought. He was overthinking too much .

His order was served and he smiled , okay this time he smiled widely you can even see his teeth.

Instead of eating the tteobokki fist he took the soju and chugged the whole bottle. He's a heavy drinker so he thought it was okay drinking the whole bottle like that.

Ever since he turned 20 he likes drinking. Doesn't matter what type what brand he'll just drink it. Mostly an alcoholic but also is a sweetheart (don't ask me i also don't know what am i writing about.)

His eyes blurred out, he couldn't see properly. He thought that no one would be with him . Then someone popped up in his mind.

Before passing out he muttered
Sannie ..



Soojin and Wooyoung had a healthy relationship together. They took care of each other and even planned to get married after school.

They were 15 at the time. The useless thing is that Soojin's father hated him since they're both gay. He kept on saying that Soojin is disgusting. It made Wooyoung dead mad .

Wooyoung would always defend Soojin and
would tell everyone in the world that Soojin is his boyfriend. He would wanna do that but Soojin refused to do it.

One day Wooyoung invited Soojin to his house , hanging out like a date . They played video games together, the vibe was so romantic since Wooyoung prepared everything like a wedding.

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