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[ fyi this part is about what happened to seongjoong before they went to the mall. I will also put the other side's pov in the mall. enjoy. ]

Seonghwa was walking peacefully outside to take some air which he does every time he's bored . He went inside a store to buy some stuff and he saw someone familiar passing by when he was at the shirts section .

There were only a bunch of white shirts there and he only went there to buy them. (look , idek why. )

He saw a short person , blue hair with a pretty good style inside the store. He was curious so he followed the guy he seemed familiar with.

they both came in the book sections and Seonghwa saw Hongjoong looking through the books . ' well .. fits him since he's also smart...such a lovely view .. wait.. eww-'
Seonghwa spoke through his mind .

" since when am i so obsessed with him .." he said whispering to himself. No way he's going to fall in love with his bully , he had never fallen in love with a boy even though he came out as a gay person.

He went to the art section and bought a canvas , art supplies to do something with it of course. He pay for his stuffs and left the store immediately.

He went back to his house and sat at the dinning table for a moment , he was blushing and flabbergasted . He sat there and thought about hongjoong , well not much long after .. He went upstairs to lay on his bed and not doing anything.

He opened the door in front of him and walked towards his bed . He hopped on his bed and lay on it normally . His brother , San came in and took the plastic bag Seonghwa brought home.

" you bought art supplies? for what? "

" to draw of course, don't be dumb "

" i was just asking "

San saw Seonghwa face that wasn't really in the normal position he usually is. He would always have those bright boba eyes , big smile and normal eyebrows. But all of that kinda changed , Seonghwa was kind of ... angry?

" hey , what's wrong ? "

" nothing "

" tell me idiot "

" who are you to call me idiot? "

" your older brother? now tell me what's really happening . "

" it's really nothing, leave. Please " Seonghwa stated.

San didn't want to force his younger brother so he just let him go and left his room in silence , he just couldn't speak to him with real words anymore.

Seonghwa smiled and giggled alone , he was in his own personal mind and actually is happy about something. About earlier? he looked mad? it was because San was interrupting him . He wanted to daydream all day and think about his love life through the whole day.

San wasn't actually gonna interrupt, he was just curious what did Seonghwa bought home . Seonghwa thought he was just nosy til that everything himself does must have San interrupting him.

San is just as nosy as a cat. Maybe that's why Seonghwa doubt on him everytime they're together.

" San , Seonghwa .  I'm home. " his dad shouted.

Hold up , why did he called San too ? He usually calls Seonghwa to help him with things and never asked San to do anything since they labeled him as the " rude and stubborn" son.

he must've heard wrong so he went into Seonghwa's room again .

" Seonghwa , dad's calling you "

" oh , he's home? "

San just nodded and went to his room in silince , not wanting to say anything. He locked the door and listen to some music to distract his mind from thinking about something negative.

" hey dad . " Seonghwa greeted .

" hey , can help me with these stuffs ? "

Seonghwa didn't reply but just helped him without hesitation . There were boxes everywhere, why is there even boxes ? what is actually happening right now ?

Seobghwa noticed that his mother wasn't there , he knew the his dad left the house with her but why came back alone?

" dad , where's mom? " he asked.

" I'll tell you once we're done with this. "

" okay "

Boxes and some packages was arranged by Seonghwa and it was arranged prettily . Seonghwa loves arranging stuffs ever since he was a kid , of course everything he does must be perfect . Everybody loves him for that , especially his aunts whenever they visit them .

Everything was done and Seonghwa was ready to ask the same question he asked his father earlier.

" So.. where's mom? "

His dad smlies , " call san to come downstairs first , I'll tell you both where's she. "

" okay "

Seonghwa ran upstairs and ran towards San's room knocking aggressively. San opened the door with distraught face .

" What the heck? why are you even knocking ?! " he yells

" come downstairs! " Seonghwa said full with excitement.

San was confused but he just went with it . Seonghwa took his hand and ran downstairs to his dad.

" Dad! comeone tell us. " Seonghwa said with a bright smile because he knew something good might be happening.

" look. Y'all should be happy right now. But I'll with san okay? "

Seonghwa nodded but San gave a distraught face once again.

" Look san , i am so sorry about the past and for ever ignoring you . My son. I hope you forgive me . Your mom , she broke up with me and I'm relived . She was the one who hated San , I don't. " His father shook his head.

" I just wanted to tell y'all, i got a new job . A good job and we're going to live in a rich life. All the boxes was my things for me to work at home when it's my day off.

And...i kinda stalk you guys before. You both have a crush i see? ." His dad smirked.

" DAD! ". both san and seonghwa shouted at their father as he laugh non-stopping.


w/n : fyi their father's name is Choi Ju Hyeok ( 최 주 혁 ) 

I'm going to make episodes short story , since i hate to keep in drafts and rethink of ideas inside my head . Not my problem since me and the author rarely meet now.

thanks for reading my story!!

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