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Hongjoong, mingi and Jongho were already at the mall . They arrived earlier than Seonghwa and the others.

" you said san will be coming? it's already afternoon " Jongho asked .

" i don't know ..he really did say it in the group that he's coming . " Hongjoong stated .

all of them were waiting for san and there was no sign of him being in the mall. At all.
Mingi spotted his boyfriend and he had a feeling that San followed them instead.

" hey , that's my boyfriend! " Mingi said trying to get everyone's attention.

" pfft- so what? we're searching for san , not your boyfriend. " jongho said.

hongjoong covered his own mouth and hid behind jongho when he saw seonghwa walking in the mall. Nervous? why? something happened lately .


Hongjoong has been stalking Seonghwa  lately and he never said a single thing to anyone not even his friends. He stalks only for sometimes since he didn't want to get caught .

that one time when he saw seonghwa going into a store so he followed him. No reason , he just wants to see what he was doing there . He wasn't brave enough to confront him since he's in public.

he saw him going to the art section and seonghwa looked like he felt the feelings that he followed him. Hongjoong was so scared , he hid his face and walked through the section and escaped .

his eyes caught something before he went to leave the store. He was at the book section and his eyes kept wandering around since he loves reading.

he thought that if he buys one it wouldn't be a bad choice isn't it? so he bought one and left the store immediately.

[ a/n : i didn't put this on my recent episode but I'll just write it here okay? ok. ]

as he was walking fastly trying not to get caught since he felt like seonghwa or someone was following him . He turned around and seonghwa attacked him.

" hello , you followed me didn't you? " Seonghwa grined .

" n-no ? i was just buying a book , what the hell is wrong with you?! " hongjoong said, trying to safe his life. He was so glad he bought one earlier.

" you sure? " seonghwa said , pinning him on the wall .

" v-very sure. " hongjoong stutter.

" who's bullying who now?" seonghwa asked.

" you. asshole. " Hongjoong replied and pushed him out of the way so he could cross the road and go back to his house.

He didn't notice a car was speeding because he was blushing and was closing his eyes while that.

Seonghwa took his hand and pulled him from the road and put his hand on his waist making hongjoong become a tomato for that.

Seonghwa was also blushing at that time and they both made eye contact with each other. Hongjoong covered his mouth and pulled away from the position he was in.

" i- I'm sorry.." seonghwa apologized

" n-no it's okay i guess , i'd die if you didn't pull me earlier... also.. that was intense. " Hongjoong said .

" well i guess that was so gay out of me ? " seonghwa said .

hongjoong turned his head up and made a distraught face . What does he mean ' gay ' ? he was asking himself many questions and there was no answers at all since he was too scared to answer.

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