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" be honest , San ... please. " Wooyoung muttered and held San by his shoulders . San nodded , feeling guilty since he did that without Wooyoung's permission . he turned his head down but Wooyoung didn't want him to. Wooyoung cupped his face to face him again.

"It's okay.. it's not your fault." Wooyoung said.

San, once again cried . He shook his head to stop his tears from falling. It was an overwhelming feeling. Again , Wooyoung asked him if he was okay.

" n-no i-i j-just.." he stuttered, couldn't finish his sentence since he was crying. Wooyoung put his hands around San's neck loosely , his forhead on San's . Both closing their own eyes.

"trust me. san-ah. I'll forever be with you. " Wooyoung said , making San comfortable talking to Wooyoung . But the thing that San wasn't comfortable was about his feelings. He wasn't even sure if he like him or not. He can't believe he cried for months because of his best friend.

no one knows. Whether he likes him or in love with him . Unfortunately even San himself doesn't know.

" I'm sorry Wooyoung...I-I'm not ready... I'll tell you when im ready. I promise." San said hugging him. Wooyoung hugged him back . " it's okay.." Wooyoung said while nodding .
" I understand." he continued.

~ San's phone rang

Both of them pulled away from the hug and San wiped his tear away , feeling much better. He took out his phone to check who was calling him.

" seonghwa, why did you call? is there any urgent?"

" no nothing i- just please come home-? im scared..."

"alright , I'm on the way."

"thank you ... I'm sorry. "

~ ends call.

" Wooyoung.." San looked at him with puppy eyes. Wooyoung nodded and he seemed to understand the situation. Seonghwa can't be alone and as his best friend he knows that Seonghwa would cry if he was alone.

" seonghwa needs protection , baby . You can go..." Wooyoung said. San blushed at those nicknames Wooyoung would always give him . He nodded and rushed to go home. he forgot that he didn't have any transport and it was a bit far from his house there. He went back in and approached Wooyoung.

" i might need a ride.." San said.

Wooyoung smiled at the cute behavior of San . " Alrighty." Wooyoung said while nodding. both boys went outside and the weather was great. It was cloudy outside and Wooyoung enjoys it.

San got in the car first while Wooyoung was locking the door of his house. As he was done he walked to his door and hopped in.
" where even is your house?" Wooyoung asked.

" just drive will ya? I'll show you the way." San replied. The younger nodded as he turn on the radio. San played the song 'Rover - EXO Kai' . It's his favorite song ( idk what else so pls don't mind it.)

Both of them were vibing as they were on their way. Wooyoung was vibing and also was focusing on the way. He kept on asking San where and where. Not long after they arrived at San's house.

San thanked him and hopped off the car. Wooyoung smirked and get off from the car too. San look at the younger with a confused face. " what are you doing? " San said. " well what am i doing? pfft- I'm going in with you. " Wooyoung said showing his dominance.

San sigh and opened the door silently and told Wooyoung to wait outside first. As San got in his parents weren't there. ' probably business trip.. ' he thought.

He asked Wooyoung to come in and Wooyoung smiled widely and he took his stepts , going inside of his house. His eyes widened when he saw the insides.

' it's small..but yet.. beautiful?..' he thought.

" cmon let's go." San said while dragging him upstairs. " Seonghwa- ya! what happened?" San asked him as soon as he went into Seonghwa's room.

Wooyoung sat beside him and hugged him , comforting him in silence. " No no It's just that I've been seeing things and I'm scared. You left me alone. I hate alone. " Seonghwa said. " Im sorry , i really am. " San apologized and comforted him a bit.

Seonghwa was relieved that San was there to accompany him . He overthink too much when they he wasn't there , beside him or near him. The truth was he got so many messages from his classmate who said that some one is stalking him so he got scared.
He didn't want to make San worry of him so he didn't want to talk about it. At all.

Seonghwa asked why is Wooyoung there and Wooyoung giggled. " I drove him here  " he replied normally with a big smile. Wooyoung looked at San who wasn't facing him , he kept on looking for a while and then snapped out of it. He had a feeling that San does like him but San didn't say a word about his confession . He was a bit sad about it but he wanted to forget.

His feelings didn't go away , he wants attention from San. If could , in this world he only wants him and San here. San was focusing on taking care of Seonghwa since he felt guilty for leaving him alone. He apologized to Seonghwa many times but Wooyoung didn't even care about it . He knew how Seonghwa was and he loves Seonghwa as a little brother. He took care of Seonghwa ever since high school , Seonghwa was his junior and it made sense how much Wooyoung love him. Wooyoung loves taking care of younger people.

Seonghwa sat beside Wooyoung and greeted him with a hi . " so.. uhh do you still like my brother? " he whispered. San didn't hear it since he was in the kitchen , cooking . Wooyoung nodded and gave a small smile about it. Seonghwa could sense that something bad happened between them and couldn't stop asking about woosan. He loves his brother's friendship ( relationship ) with his best friend.

" what's with the face? " Seonghwa asked the older. " nothing. " Wooyoung dryly replied. Seonghwa knew it was a lie since it was too obvious. " don't lie , Wooyoung. " Seonghwa said as he cupped his face . Wooyoung pulled away from it . Seonghwa's face from a happy face turned into a confused reaction. " have you confessed?" Seonghwa asked. Wooyoung nodded and didn't want to say it with his words. " He didn't answer it. I guess he doesn't like me " Wooyoung said to the younger . Seonghwa was still confused, San was in love with Wooyoung and how did he not notice it. They were clingy to each other and would often kiss each other's cheek daily but what happens now?

Wooyoung still have the sad and moody face and it made Seonghwa feel bad about it. He thought that San would just accept him since both of them liked each other. And in the think of them , why couldn't he tell Wooyoung that San is in love with him?
It was because San told him to keep this secret even though he's Seonghwa's best friend. He didn't care if Seonghwa wants to ship them but just don't tell him that he's in love.

After a while they talk, San finally is done with the food. He made mac and cheese and it was very good since he learned them from Seonghwa. ( San can't cook ) He heard a bit about the conversation but tend to ignore and ask what did they talked about instead. Wooyoung, of course changed the topic and compliment the food he cooked. Seonghwa didn't want to make his brother sad for interrupting his question. " We were just talking about a boy i met . " Seonghwa lied. San obviously knew it was a lie but played with it instead. " Who? " San asked.

Seonghwa said that it was his bully and both of them started a conversation about it. Wooyoung didn't want to interrupt so he only listened while eating his meal .


A/N : sorry for not publishing episodes , I can't think of any ideas anymore . Maybe next episode i'll write about Seongjoong  :)

Thankyou For Reading My Story!!


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